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So what do you do? asked Naziya. You’ve asked a difficult question, laughed Arjun. I’m a software engineer by choice and a writer by heart. Hmmm…...Interesting!! By the way, what do you write about? Not much, just regular stuff from here and there. Sometimes about battles of chaotic heart and mind and sometimes about romance. You speak in such a poetic manner. You’re a Software Engineer, doesn’t it bore you? asked a surprised Naziya. Actually yes, I get tiresome in front of the computer screen. But you know naa, that we all have to do something-for-a-living. And writing is always in my heart which has fascinated me from the begining. Being able to say so much in a few words and moments. Now-a-days I'm writing a book also.

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EPISODE 1 So what do you do? asked Naziya. You’ve asked a difficult question, laughed Arjun. I’m a software by choice and a writer by heart. Hmmm…...Interesting!! By the way, what do you write about? Not much, just regular stuff from here and there. Sometimes about battles of chaotic heart and mind and sometimes about romance. You speak in such a poetic manner. You’re a Software Engineer, doesn’t it bore you? asked a surprised Naziya. Actually yes, I get tiresome in front of the computer screen. But you know naa, that we all have to do something-for-a-living. And writing ...Read More



EPISODE 2 Naziya and Arjun both lead to the market to buy a gift for Ravi, their friend and wife. Naziya bought a platinum gold ring for Ravi's wife Meera and Arjun bought a luxury watch for Ravi. It's been too time in purchasing the gift. Naziya and Arjun both were tired. Coffee!!! Yes!!! Naziya took a deep breath. They went to a Cafe, where both ordered first some snacks and thereafter Naziya's favorite drink, Coffee. Actually Arjun was fond of tea. He liked tea more than Coffee. But with Naziya, he also used to order Coffee. We met ...Read More



EPISODE 3 They reached Papaya at 8 p.m. sharp. Shall I!!! as he raise his hand towards the door came out her from the Cab. Thank you, Nazia smiled. They sat on the table which was already booked by Naziya. The Menu book was at the table. As she started to look in it to order something. Arjun stopped her. Hey! Wait. Only Sookha-sookha celebration. Mean? I didn't get it. I mean that today's your big day so there should be something special. Naziya kept the menu aside and started to look at him surprisingly. I'm saying about some ...Read More