Parallel universe girlfriend

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I'm a developer. Working in IT industry. My name is Aruthan. My age is 26. You might understand little bit now, yeah I have a depression and anxiety. My daily routine is wake up 8'o clock hurry to office return to home 9pm. Sitting infront of the same computer coding every day. What a depressed life. I hear your questions why don't you have any girlfriend or hangout with colleagues. I'm a introvert. My communication skills are really very very poor and bad. Still I wonder how did I get this job. I know you couldn't believe how should be a person live without friends. I have anti-social behaviour too. My job made me as a sociopath. I'm always alone. Some times I would like to destroy this computer and leave from this hell. But, I have to pay housing loan, Vehicle emi, send money to parents and emi for other gadgets. If I leave this job I'll be begger.

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Parallel universe girlfriend - 1

I'm a developer. Working in IT industry. My name is Aruthan. My age is 26. You might understand little now, yeah I have a depression and anxiety. My daily routine is wake up 8'o clock hurry to office return to home 9pm. Sitting infront of the same computer coding every day. What a depressed life. I hear your questions why don't you have any girlfriend or hangout with colleagues. I'm a introvert. My communication skills are really very very poor and bad. Still I wonder how did I get this job. I know you couldn't believe how should be ...Read More