One Night Stand

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Chapter-1 Hall is decorated with white flowers and lights. New York city has gathered to attend the engagement of the richest and well-known businessman Alexander Bruke son of Edward Bruke. He is getting engaged to his father’s friend daughter June who is a smart and beautiful business woman of London city. Alexander friend Nyon is his childhood friend who stands beside him through thin and thick of life. He knows each and every inch of Alex Bruke. Nyon congratulates him that finally he met his soulmate. He mocks about marriage and kids with his dear friend Alex. You know

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One Night Stand - 1

Chapter-1 Hall is decorated with white flowers and lights. New York city has gathered to attend the of the richest and well-known businessman Alexander Bruke son of Edward Bruke. He is getting engaged to his father’s friend daughter June who is a smart and beautiful business woman of London city. Alexander friend Nyon is his childhood friend who stands beside him through thin and thick of life. He knows each and every inch of Alex Bruke. Nyon congratulates him that finally he met his soulmate. He mocks about marriage and kids with his dear friend Alex. You know ...Read More


One Night Stand - 2

Wednesday morning Mary tells Alex that a young girl is asking for you. Can I send her in? is she? Asks Alex. She answers that yesterday her brother broke the mirror of your car and you asked him to send his sister to talk to you. Mary Sends her in while Alex remembers yesterday’s incident. After few minutes a young girl enters his room and says Excuse me sir! Alex turns his chair and she is gawking at his face, a young handsome having shade of grey and blue eyes as deep like an ocean, his smile with a ...Read More


One Night Stand - 3

Chapter- 3 ‘One-night stand’ listening to these three words Rumi’s face turns red with anger and she stands and feels like throwing the cup of coffee on his face. Seeing her reaction Alex understands her anger and asks her to sit and listen him to the end. Miss Johnson, I feel that you are a person who exaggerates and becomes judgemental at once. First listen to the whole story and then react. I want you to pretend that we were together for a night. You will be there in my room but I will not even touch you. ...Read More


One Night Stand - 4

Chapter-4 He says fine Miss Johnson I will send you the details and the address where you need to and If you want to ask for anything else give me a call. Sir, Rumi interrupts Alex and says that she needs his help because her mother is in hospital and seriously ill. She doesn’t have enough money to pay the bills. Listening to this Alex asks her to send the bills and leave the matter to him. Within ten minutes hospital bills were payed and t ...Read More


One Night Stand - 5

Chapter-5 Rumi sits silently in Alex’s He gets busy on phone. After a while she asks him whether he loves his fiancée or not? He was surprised to hear an unexpected question from her and bluntly refuses. I don’t, I only love my business he says rudely. But his rudeness did not stop Rumi and says further that may be June is in love with you and you are going to break her heart. Rumi tries to look for an answer in Alex’s eyes. I don’t think that she loves me as I know her, she is ...Read More


One Night Stand - 6

Chapter-6 Next day morning, Alex gets up and goes to see Rumi and finds that she gone. There was a note kept on the table and it was written: I hope that we would never meet again. Thankyou Regards Rumi Alex smiles when he reads the note. He keeps the note in drawer and gets ready for office. He reaches office where his friend Nyon was waiting and seeing him coming he hugs Alex and says that no one can hold you forever in a sarcastic manner. He asks what would happen if she cancels the deal of ...Read More


One Night Stand - 7

Chapter- 7 Next day morning Nyon comes to Alex office to discuss about the arrangements of Catherine’s engagement party. says that the event should be given to Nuclear Zenta firm because they are best in their business and even, we have good relations with them. What do you say? Asks Nyon. I think this time we should give the contract to Skylar firms because they are also good in business, Alex replies. But it is a very small firm and I don’t think they can handle such a big event, Nyon is confused and says nothing. Yes, it is ...Read More


One Night Stand - 8

Chapter- 8 Alex and Nyon were playing lawn tennis in Tennis Club. You were right in giving the to Skylar Firms for Catherine’s engagement. I am thinking of giving the wedding event to them too. In fact, I will get a chance to meet Rumi again. Nyon says to Alex with a broad smile on his face. Alex feels jealous but did not react. Do You like that girl? Nyon asks. Why are you asking this question? Says Alex. I am just asking to know that maybe you are interested. If you aren’t, then, I can have a fling ...Read More


One Night Stand - 9

Chapter- 9 Rumi is enjoying with her friends Ryma, Olive, Silky and Clare. So, Rumi we are here celebrate your success. You received your first incentive. I think you should now settle down with some handsome man Clare says while drinking shots. Yes, she will someday find a one like Mr. Alexzander Ryma teases her. Shut up! Ryma nothing like that Rumi scolds her. Hey, look there a man in blue jacket is coming towards us says Silky and they all look at the man. He comes and stands beside the table and says Hi, I am Simen Hudson. ...Read More


One Night Stand - 10

Chapter- 10 Love! What nuisance are you talking about? says Alex in frustration. Just go and look yourself in and you will realise that you have fallen in love with that girl. One-night stand has brought you the love of your life. Nyon says sharply. Alex reaches home seems perturbed by the day’s events, sits on the couch and thinks what Nyon said to him. He convinces himself that Nyon spoke everything in anger but when he closed his eyes, he saw Rumi standing, smiling and laughing. All of a sudden, he calls Rumi. She picks the call and ...Read More


One Night Stand - 11

Alex takes over sixty percent shares of Skylar Firms. The next event is to organise an auction for Bruke in which century old things to be sold related to technology that can be used to get the information about business development. Prominent business personalities are going to attend this auction. Rumi, you have to make this event a success because you are a creative genius. Olive lauded Rumi. Bring some new ideas because tomorrow we have a meeting with Mr. Alex and he will finalise everything so that we can start the project. Rumi works hard with her team ...Read More


One Night Stand - 12

The day comes and everyone waits excitedly for the auction to start. There is music and dance, the party in its own flow. As the auction begins. The famous business personalities flaunt off their money to win remarkable technology and things which belonged to ancient history. Hey, lover boy your girl gave another hit. No wonder she is amazing. She makes a person fall in love with her. Even the one who never took love feelings seriously. Nyon says while enjoying his drink. Alex shies like a college boy and says I agree with you buddy. By the way, ...Read More


One Night Stand - 13

Rumi thinks about Alex all the time. She realizes that she fell in love with him on the very day when she saw him in the office. Her feelings oscillate because she loves him so much. Silently, she does her work and keeps smiling looking at the phone which instantly rings. It’s Alex’s call. How are you my love? What are you doing today? Shall we go for dinner? He asks. I will wait outside your office. Alex also fell head over heels for Rumi. Okay, I am waiting for the evening says Rumi. Her tone is ...Read More


One Night Stand - 14

Chapter--14 Rumi, I know you are an extremely beautiful and clever girl. In a short period of time, you achieved so much. These words sound bitter to her. Rumi gives a look and says what you want to say olive. Olive understands and asks her to work for another event. Rumi silently goes and does her work. Then Alex calls and tells her that yesterday, he met his coach who told him that he must participate in the competition and if he is selected, then he could qualify for US-Open and then Wimbledon and show must go on. I ...Read More


One Night Stand - 15

Alex’s father seems restless and seeing him Alex asks, what happened dad? Are you thinking something? If you are about company’s anniversary celebration then do not worry, I will handle it. Alex continuously looks at his father for a reply. No, Alex I will manage myself but can I ask you something my son? Of course! Dad, you can Alex replies. Are you very close to that girl named Rumi? Is she the reason to leave June? Alex was surprised and shocked with the questions of his father. No, not at all and she is just working in my ...Read More


One Night Stand - 16

Rumi and Alex cheerfully work in kitchen. Cooking pasta with Russian salad. Alex holds Rumi while she chops vegetables. are hungry right? Yes, I am and he kisses on her lips. Till food gets ready you can arrange the dinner table. Rumi replies and plant a soft kiss on his lips again. After some time, they both sit at dinner table chatting, laughing and enjoying dinner. I hope Your mom won’t worry for you; it is quite late saying Alex and fills her mouth with pasta. No, she won’t because she is out of town for two to three ...Read More


One Night Stand - 17

Chapter- -17 Anniversary day begins with Mr Edward Bruke words and then the other shareholders share few words of for Mr. Bruke, his son and the company. The guests were shown the pictures and a little documentary on the journey of Bruke holdings. The guests sit and appreciates their hard work and courage that how he started his company with little money which is now worldwide famous and a profitable company. Alex sits with his dad and Rumi manages the media and looks after the other arrangements of the party. Alex holds her hand downstairs and thanks her for ...Read More


One Night Stand - 18

Chapter--18 Next day Alex goes to see Rumi at her house and after banging the door number times her mother opens the door and asks him to leave. He says, “I will not go anywhere Mrs Johnson without meeting her.’’. Alex pushes the door and hurriedly goes inside and looks for Rumi in the house but didn’t find her. I told you that she is not at home and asks him to leave immediately. Emly shouts on Alex. Where is Rumi? He questions Emly. It is none of your business and slams the door on his face. He ...Read More


One Night Stand - 19

Chapter--19 Alex plays hard and loses two sets in the beginning then suddenly he boosts up and plays so with new sports person name Henry Zerr. Henry also overtakes Alex and again he loses the game. During lunch interval Nyon motivates Alex and says that you played so well before that you can reach the finals and now what happened Alex? Just concentrate man! I am doing my best but I am not sure whether I win or not but yes, will try my best, my friend Alex replies. After two seconds, interval will be over and just remember ...Read More


One Night Stand - 20 - FINAL

Chapter- 20 Terrace is decorated with balloons and lights. Alex turns around and looks there were balloons of red and pink colour with colourful lights. OH! Dad you are impossible exclaims when finds nothing on the terrace and when he turns back to leave, he hears Christina Perri song: I have died every day, waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years He notices Rumi standing with a smile in the middle of balloons and lights. He could not believe his eyes and runs towards her. They ...Read More