Dreamy Adventures

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Hello everyone! Do you remember Lilith Donnie from my 1st book of ‘Dreamy Adventures’? Well, I have another of Lilith’s great adventures taking place in the wonderful land of Dreamoria! So, hang on tight, and I hope you enjoy this story! Lilith Donnie, the 8-year-old from Starinelake, vividly remembered yesterday night’s adventure. “Papi! Momma, momma!” cried Lilith, rushing down to breakfast with Coco (one of her teddies). “Why, good morning, Lily-pie!” said Papi. “What is it dear?” asked momma. Lilith related all that happened last night. – Oh, and by the way, Lilith was not supposed to tell her parents or anyone else about Dreamoria. – But luckily, papi

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Dreamy Adventures - 1

Hello everyone! Do you remember Lilith Donnie from my 1st book of ‘Dreamy Adventures’? Well, I have another of great adventures taking place in the wonderful land of Dreamoria! So, hang on tight, and I hope you enjoy this story! Lilith Donnie, the 8-year-old from Starinelake, vividly remembered yesterday night’s adventure. “Papi! Momma, momma!” cried Lilith, rushing down to breakfast with Coco (one of her teddies). “Why, good morning, Lily-pie!” said Papi. “What is it dear?” asked momma. Lilith related all that happened last night. – Oh, and by the way, Lilith was not supposed to tell her parents or anyone else about Dreamoria. – But luckily, papi ...Read More


Dreamy Adventures - 2

Lilith Donnie was an eight-year-old tot who lived on Hemming Lane, Starinelake. She was adventurous, beautiful, and rather adorable! had no siblings; but she did have 2 teddy bears, and one jenny (female donkey) and her foal with her all the time! The 2 teddies, Sunshine and Coco, her jenny, Della, and her foal, Diana, were the sweetest, softest, most friendly companions Lilith ever had. As her momma and papi saw, their little girl carried either Sunny (Sunshine’s nickname), or Coco, or the 2 donkeys along with her everywhere except for school and church, since that would be too ‘disrespecfulles’, which was how ...Read More


Dreamy Adventures - 3

(Reminder: This book in my series is PART 1. PART 2 will be given later.) Lilith Donnie, our little from Starinelake - and a frequent visitor of the magical land of dreams, Dreamoria - was in a state of excitement: she and her class had just returned from her 2nd favorite place in the entire world - the Tranquil Gardens! As you can derive from the name, the Tranqul Gardens were a place of true tranquility and ...Read More