The Train Goes On ...

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Huts and tiled roof houses were seen alternately in that road. It looked like a person wearing a bright shirt and a torn dirty dhoti at the same time. His inner mind was in search of somebody but some unknown force prevented him from asking it, perhaps his inborn inferiority complex that was preventing him from asking. He wants to ask and not to ask at the same time. An old woman with a dirty kerosene bottle in her hand, came in his way. "Hey, Did you see the kerosene cart coming here?" "I don't know, ma'am.I am also

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The Train Goes On ...

Huts and tiled roof houses were seen alternately in that road. It looked like a person wearing a bright and a torn dirty dhoti at the same time. His inner mind was in search of somebody but some unknown force prevented him from asking it, perhaps his inborn inferiority complex that was preventing him from asking. He wants to ask and not to ask at the same time. An old woman with a dirty kerosene bottle in her hand, came in his way. "Hey, Did you see the kerosene cart coming here?" "I don't know, ma'am.I am also ...Read More


The Train Goes On... - 2

Chapter - II After having coffee, Lallu carried her school bag and ran towards Narayanan. The foam of the coffee sticking to the edges of her soft lips creating an abstract art. He wiped the foam with a hand towel and stared at her without a blink for a moment. "What grandpa, why are you looking at me like this?" "I'm just observing whose looks you have" "What do you mean, grandpa?" "Some people have a face similar to the other, isn't it? Likewise, I'm trying to find whose looks you have." Narayanan explained. "Twins too are like that ...Read More


The Train Goes On... - 3

Chapter III After climbing up on the hilly road of Central jail, he reached near a bridge. a policeman, who is one-third of a person's height, was regulating the traffic, George stood near the sidewalk and observed that Thiruvananthapuram city has not that much changed in six or seven months. In the evening sun, the white portion of the Methan Mani bell tower clock shined. The crow sitting in the edge of the tower clock was seen flying towards the sky, marking the significance of the liberation George has attained. "Do you have a matchbox, bro?", a ...Read More


The Train Goes On... - 4

Chapter XIV Narayanan saw Gopal with the car door wide open and waiting affectionately with hand outstretched for Lallu, and Lallu came running towards her Dad with the school bag on her shoulder. For Narayanan all the other activities in this world came to a standstill and this was the only event that was taking place. He thought, how happy it would be if he hugged both his son and grandchild together! He controlled his feelings …… . Wait, wait for a minute Narayanan’s mind said, if you go now and stand before your son all ...Read More


The Train Goes On... - 5

Chapter V Ravi, secretary of Rajeev was waiting, holding a rose garland with utmost care that petals of the flower would not wither off. Rajeev’s driver dressed in white uniform was standing ready to receive orders from his boss. Rajeev’s car which was an old model white ambassador, looked sleek, elegant and attractive. The door of the Central jail opened. Rajeev came out from the entrance gate of central jail. He thanked the guard who accompanied him and walked towards his car with quick and brisk steps. The driver came one step forward from where ...Read More


The Train Goes On... - 6

Chapter VI After 6:10 pm, Rajeev changed his party dress to a very informal one and was shorts to play tennis as he thought that there would be no need for welcoming guests. Shobana could not recognize Rajeev in that costume or she might have forgotten his face, since it has been many months, she hesitantly asked, "Are you ...Dr Rajeev…?" Rajeev admitted with a smile, he was observing her from the very minute she was getting out of her car. At one glance to Rajeev her beauty was simply mesmerizing but the reason for her beauty ...Read More


The train goes on Episode 7

Chapter VII Lallu, as soon as she came back home from school, jumped from the and ran into the house calling "Grandpa!”, she went straight to the backyard where Narayanan was staying. The coir cot on which her Grandpa had slept in the night before had been flipped over and leaned against the wall. Its legs were stretching out like the bones stretching out from the feeble body of a starving person for many days. In the kitchen, Rudra heard Lallu’s voice clearly, as she was busy with cleaning the coffee maker with an old toothbrush. ...Read More


The train goes on Episode 8

Chapter VIII She has a paranoia disorder! To say frankly, she is half mental! They had safely her in the house! I set her free! Now I will be blamed for that …. Thought Narayanan. Narayanan was shocked to see already a heavy crowd has been collected on the spot. He looked around him, the village that showed no sign of inhabitation for the past two days is now fully active and energetic. He could not understand what they are talking as everyone was talking at the same time. "From where did this old ...Read More


The train goes on Episode 9

Chapter-IX With a burning sensation in the joints, swollen eyes, George was not able to see clearly, kept flowing from the gums of his teeth, when he spit saliva, it came in red color. The spots where he was hit were all burning as if it is smeared with a green chilly paste. The driver was still lying under the truck and was busy with repairing, when George returned guessing the location of the truck where he left it. "Bro, when you are going to start the truck?", George tried to ask in a normal voice, but ...Read More


The train goes on Episode 10

Chapter-X With little money in his pocket, George left the house with full confidence, stopped the bus to Thiruvananthapuram and boarded it. He got off at the Central Bus Station and walked staring at the big buildings, Malls, Star Hotels. He was amazed by the beauty of Thiruvananthapuram so the desire to go back to the village diminished little by little and was finally completely forgotten. Occasionally he would go to the village to stay for a week. But will return to city within one day. Reason- ‘Son, get married and stay in the village’, his mother ...Read More