When We Met

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Twenty years. Two best friends. She loves him more than herself. He needs her more than he should. She couldn't deny him anything. And he decides to test her loyalty by asking her one of the most toughest favours she could ever imagine him asking. How will she cope up with it? What'll be her response? Will she go beyond herself to help him in his high time? Most importantly, will he ever realize just how she means so much more to him than he would ever let himself know?

Full Novel


When We Met - 1

Twenty years. Two best friends. She loves him more than herself. He needs her more than he should. She deny him anything. And he decides to test her loyalty by asking her one of the most toughest favours she could ever imagine him asking. How will she cope up with it? What'll be her response? Will she go beyond herself to help him in his high time? Most importantly, will he ever realize just how she means so much more to him than he would ever let himself know? _ by rιтιĸα ...Read More


When We Met - 2

Emily's POV: I was happy. Very happy, in fact. Who wouldn't be? I mean I just had my life planned out. I had graduated, got a job offer, and my best friend just called me saying he needs me. The same best friend who I had a crush on for maybe about fifteen years. It was more of a crush at first, but then it turned from a mere degree of like to inevitable love before I could even gather my thoughts up. And I, like any girl in love should behave, sealed it deep in my heart. I ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 3 (Proposal)

Emily's POV: We decided to visit Edward's home. I rang the bell and Mr Jones opened the door, a smile on his face. "Hello, Mr Jones!" "Oh, my cute girl, it's been a long time since we hung out," he said patting my head. I smiled widely at him. "I graduated and I also got a job offer from the National Tropics hospital. I will join after a month." I said, earning praise from him. "Oh, my two children have already grown up. I can't want anything else than seeing you succeed as much as this world can offer!" ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 4 (Grand Wedding)

DAY OF MARRIAGE Emily's POV: I was nervous. I should be. That's what normal brides feel. I was going take a long step. A step which would change my life forever. My hands were sweating and I couldn't even walk on the ground because of this gown. Yes, I was wearing a gown. A wedding gown. My dream gown. I have always wanted to marry Edward, wanted him to propose me first and then I would say yes. All of this happened but I didn't know it could happen in such circumstances as well. When I first realised my ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 5 (My Wedding Life)

Emily's POV: I was tired. My legs were numb; they were probably swollen and my posture was not anymore The ceremony had ended hours ago. I just wanted to lay down and rest but the first big thing was to remove this enormous gown from me, which was clinging like a second skin to me. I waved at Edward. He was on a call. Edward's parents actually gifted us a sweet apartment. It was huge for the two of us, but I knew it was actually for the three of us, including Lara as she would be a frequent ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 6 (His First Love)

Some of you are confused as to who is "Lily", "Emi", "Bella",so I would like to tell you that all are nicknames of Emily that Edward calls her. He never calls her by her full name- Emily. Emily's POV: A shrill noise entered my ears and I groaned at the alarm clock. Okay, I am up! I shifted uncomfortably in my couch. Ring ring! I kicked the alarm clock. Crash! I am finally up! I woke up the next morning, my back aching like a thunderbolt. I practically had to bend double to make it up like the original. ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 7 (They Don't Really Hate Each Other)

Emily's Pov: I cleaned our room for hours, though being a new house it was already clean. I had habit of cleaning stuff when I was depressed. Yes, I am depressed. That's because my husband is having an affair. Just kidding. He is my fake husband if that term even exists. And he married me to have an affair! Can it get anymore dramatic? Oh yes. I am his best friend who has been in love with him for fifteen years when I should be using this time to get over him. I patted the sofa, dusted the shelves ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 8 (He Wants To Do What?)

Emily's POV: I felt horrible and disgusting. I closed my ears, trying to stuff a pillow but to no Man, Edward really had some balls to sleep with Lara when I was in the next room. The walls were much of a negative soundproof than I could ever comprehend. I closed my eyes, trying to sleep but Lara was literally screaming aloud for all ears to hear in the house. I had to bite my lips to stop myself from shouting at her. I knew Edward was experienced in this field but did she really need to make it ...Read More


When We Met - (EP - 9) Pretending To Love Him Was Never Hard

Emily's POV: Man, we were about to get a huge fight today. Who should I cheer? "For what did want to apologize? Because I assure you I have a long list of scars still deprived of your apologies," Mia said, walking like a tiger on his hunt: slow and impatient. For a moment, I thought that she would spill her feelings right then and there. "Mia, listen, I know I was a jerk-" Jake started. "Oh. So now Mr Playboy realises it. That's good. Now I can die in peace," Mia said sarcastically, tears still evident in her eyes. ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 10 (Road To Love)

Emily's POV: Pretending to love him was never tough for me. With a genuine smile on my face, a flush of cheeks, the rigorous beating of heart, sweatiness of palm, butterflies in the stomach or the stuttering of my tongue, I was familiar with all types of symptoms of love. Because I had experienced all of them. In mere twenty years. Edward's parents came to visit us, giving us the wedding gift for our honeymoon. Bam! What had they given us? Tickets to a seven days trip to Mauritius. Sounds dreamy right? Well, it ain't any dream, I am ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 11 (Too Much Teasing)

Emily's POV: I woke up early, my legs entangled with Edward's, his arms scooping me up till our cheeks touching. I gasped, feeling something poking on my lower stomach. I put hands on my mouth from making any sort of noise. I knew very well what it was, I was once a medical student for Merlin's sake! I tried to remove his hands, my fingers grabbing his arms carefully to his side only to sigh in vain. He scooped me closer instead, his hot breath fanning my neck, tickling my senses and producing goosebumps on my arms. I tried ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 12 (His Cute Nurse)

Mia's Pov: I was getting tensed with the progress of time. He wasn't showing any progress in his health, forehead still burning as hot as lava. I took a wet strip of cloth, dripping from the bowl, squeezed it and placed it on his forehead. His porridge was turning cold but he wasn't eating it, saying his throat hurt. "Jake, you gotta eat it otherwise I will be having trouble feeding you the medicines. They won't work on an empty stomach," I said, caressing his hair. He made no sound of approval, his nose was all red from sneezing, ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 13 (He Is A Big Tease)

Mia's Pov: I was preparing myself another cup of tea, as Jake refused to let me go alone to house which was just ten blocks away! He was crazy! Totally crazy! I sipped the last drop before entering the washroom to take a shower, taking my clothes which Jake went to take from my house. He actually refused me smoothly not to even walk outside his house when I was without my bra! I couldn't even imagine what else he must have seen when ransacking my closet, my girl stuff mustn't have gone unnoticed by his view! I kicked ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 14 (He Cares When He Knows I Cant)

Mia's POV: I woke up to the sound of something crashing on the floor. I hurried to Jake's room, afraid to check my own. "Are you okay? Did you fall?" I asked, worried about him. "I told you not to walk two steps out of that fucking bed of yours and you- AH!" I cried, instantly groaning in pain when my legs landed on something sharp. I sat on the floor with pain, water seeping into fibres of my jeans. "Don't come here, Mia! I think I broke-what the hell! You stepped on the broken glass vase!" Jake said, ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 15 (Silent Rejection Hurts Even More)

Mia's Pov: I was devastated. No, that shit was not happening with me. His company was way more precious me than my own feelings, which he had been crushing since the day I met him. I quickly told dad I would call him later and cut the line. Ignoring my own pain, I ran towards Jake, grabbing his hands which were red from the hot coffee which was spilt over them just minutes ago. I blew air on his burning hand, making sure not to touch it when he pushed me not-so-gently. "Don't touch me! I don't want anyone's ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 16 (My Little Dreams)

Emily's POV: It had been a week since we last came to Mauritius. Sure, we enjoyed a lot if 'we' includes Lara and Edward's short night visits, not to mention her throaty moans which I could hear even while peeing, and my long night walks across the streets of Mauritius alone, enjoying the view of metropolitan cities, driving in the car by myself. It was the last night of our stay, so I started to stuff my clothes back into the suitcase, ransacking the hotel closet neatly to find any other belongings. My fingers were then entangled with something ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 17 (His Feelings Are So Confusing)

Emily's Pov: I was baking a chocolate cake, frosting it with cream before sprinkling chocolate chips over it. No, wasn't for Lara's birthday. It was for me. Surprise, surprise, it was my birthday too! And I was not sad because he had a gift already planned out for her. It was because he forgot my birthday over hers. I sighed. It wasn't the first time when he did that actually. When I first discovered that Lara and I share the same birthdate, I didn't really have any major problem with it, In fact, I was cool about it. As ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 18 (His Friendship Is All I Have)

Emily's Pov: "Emi." Holy bullshit! Edward heard me. He saw me talking to a cake confessing my feelings for I pushed my face into dung mentally. Okay, don't panic, Emily! This happens, it is life, it is love but... It's my fucking birthday as well, my inner voice shouted. I looked at my right and left, planning a route of escape. Because I ain't no fairy tale princess who thinks that when her prince would hear of her secret feelings for him, he would confess romantically in front of her, kissing her and then they live happily ever after! ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 19 (He Loves Cuddling)

Emily's Pov: "My birthday ended three hours ago. Its way past midnight, Mr Jones!" Edward's face fell comically. His turned into a frown. I was sad seeing Edward's face full of guilt upon hearing that my birthday ended and he didn't even get to wish me. I tried to convince him that it wasn't his fault and that I was happy spending time with him but he didn't look much convinced. He nodded meekly before rushing upstairs to change after we settled on the matter that he wouldn't cook, as we didn't want him to endanger our health. I ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 20 (I Can Never Dress Like A Girl)

Emily's Pov: I was preparing myself lunch, with Miranda helping me to do it since Edward didn't want me get into another trouble again. I switched on the TV, changed the channels and settled on watching 'Big Bang Theory', my favourite show from my college days. I was devouring my food which mainly consisted of carbs when my phone vibrated. I swiped it on call, not seeing the caller ID while still chewing my lunch. "Where is Edward, dear?" The voice was so slow and intimidating that I was about to scream when I took hold of my phone ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 21 (I Am What?)

Emily's Pov: What the hell?! I stumbled across the grass, my toes curled up, burning with fire due to and sharp pencil heels I was wearing digging into the soft grass. I groaned in pain, my chin erect with the pride and honour, not willing to show any sign of discomfort on my first real date! I glared at the spot in the corner of the greenhouse, a growing mould and horsetail above it, trying to distract myself from the fact that I was practically walking half naked in some attire that women dared to call a 'dress'. While ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 22 (Some Compromises Are Never Forgotten)

Emily's Pov: "Lily," I heard Edward whisper to me but his voice seemed so distant to my inner turmoil. took one hesitant step back, followed by one or two more before I felt him grab my arm abruptly, pulling me slightly towards himself. But my mind was too hazed by the strange revelation of my true feelings in a not so impressive and romantic way. I had always recalculated every possibility of being exposed or disclosed about my feelings but none of them involved one certain beautiful Edward's girlfriend. Edward never dated before Lara, proving the fact that he ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 23 (Date Plan Gone To Hell)

Emily's Pov: "Emi." I felt a slight tug at my fingers, which brought me out of my reverie. I the situation I was in, where I would be caught like a snare in a trap any minute I let down my guard. I looked up to see him staring at me, his eyes held a usual expression of concern. For a friend. Yes. That's what he would always feel for me! Concern. Friendship. As if I never deserved anything else. I smiled at him, my lips curling up longer than I had expected them to, considering nobody in their ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 24 (Unexpected Feelings)

Emily's Pov: Um, what? Did I hear him right? No. Wait! Maybe I was hallucinating! "What do you mean?" looked at me, maybe contemplating his own words, or maybe preparing to rephrase his sentence. I expected him to explain. Or elaborate on it. Instead, he left my hands to pay for the dinner leaving me to dig holes into my ear to assure myself if I heard him right. We were walking silently on the road and Edward was keeping a slow pace behind me, talking something with Michael. I had this sudden enlightenment that maybe I had been ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 25 (Unexpected Arguments and Cool Answers)

Emily's POV: I tried to wiggle out of his searing grip, giving all the hints to him that he practically squishing my very innocent female parts against his aristocratic male parts, tempting me to do not so innocent things with him. Edward was pressing me to his side, his large sculptured hands were encircled around my waist firmly and I couldn't help but feel how perfect his hands fit my generous figure. And then I started thinking about how his hands would feel against my chest. Would they be able to cover them up? Maybe his hands were bigger ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 26 (Some Wise Decisions)

Emily's POV: I was stunned for a while, standing intact and erect, not moving an inch to waver my at him. When I blinked for once, I found my dream still going on. Only it wasn't some dream. He really said those words I imagined him saying so smoothly only in my dreams! Once reminded of the cruel reality, and the way he still was gripping my finger gently, I tried to pull it out of his clutch. My eyes furrowed an inch to see he still wasn't letting it go. I tried to turn my stares into glares ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 27 (Jealous Arguments And Broken Hearts)

Hello my lovely readers!How are you! I would like to extend my lovely gratitude and appreciation to MuskanJazz21? who her precious time to read my whole book and gave a honest review while encouraging me to write further! I am glad I met her who not only shares the same nationality with me but also shares my love for unrequited love stories! And three cheers for my newly found friends mft3096 ?who is as cute as a flower,never forgets to text me a piece of appreciation and @Annette2729 ?who is so innocent and always gives her time to look ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 28 (When Pretending Costs You Something More Real)

Emily's Pov: Like the speed of the Flash, I rushed to the washroom. I couldn't say the same for I wanted to get out immediately as I forgot to bring night clothes with me to change into. I closed my eyes to hide my embarrassment for those last words I said to Edward and that bloody chauvinistic exit. Peeking out of the door, I saw Edward talking to Miranda about some files he might have misplaced and I took this opportunity to slide out of the door, almost quickly dancing in relief that I was still fully clothed in my dress, ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 31 (Reasons We Are Far Apart)

Emily's POV:I woke up abruptly to the harsh tango dancing of my ridiculous alarm clock that is a shame human habit of sleeping soundly when tired as hell. Stretching my abnormal female arms and legs, I toppled down the bed like a kangaroo to rush into the washroom for my urgent blast of the bladder which actually had no shame and manners for being the bladder of a female all this time! I was brushing my teeth, more like scrubbing them with a dog soap when I looked at the prominent red and blue bruise normal people naturally preferred to ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 32 (Your Name)

Emily's POV: The room was dark and quiet as usual as if long series of serial murders took there I was its next victim, entering the dangerous area where my murderer was already waiting for me, with a shimmering sharp knife in his hands. Stumbling slightly, I put my hands over switch and taking a deep breath, I pressed it firmly. Immediately, everything glowed, brightness reaching every corner of the room, it's light falling on each and every object of the room. Modern devices and polished furniture lay sprawled on the floor just like the last time I visited, window glasses covered ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 33 (Hurt And Comfort)

Emily's POV: "Edward-you horrible son of a rotten smelling fungal black slippery sticky onion crushed in a juicer machine, I started to blabber frantically only to stop and stare at the man standing in front of me, still and erect, tired and sad, seeing him going through everything hard I was going through myself these past four days when I looked up to stare into his blue eyes I missed so much that instantly my own eyes welled up with tears. I wiped my nose again with the back of my shirt to stop myself from breaking out in front ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 34 (Most Natural Thing To Do)

Emily's Pov:It was really hard for me to explain my well-being being to Edward who thought he almost raped and he would never be able to show his face to me again and I had to smack him hard across his face for thinking such ridiculous thing.We were strolling along his arena for guests which consisted of well built polished wooden rooms and floors. A large wide swimming pool filled with clean water lay in the centre , with chairs, tables and waiters and waitress waiting to attend the guests. This area was frequently used by him to attend ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 35 (Unexpected Encounters)

Emily's Pov :Edward took huge steps away from me, first staring at me, then at the door and back to stare at me.I laughed nervosuly."Well well! I think I may need to squeeze up my bladder again! I must tell you I kinda felt asleep in bathtub today so water seeped into my hard fat skin, and it's tickling my kidney now! Anyway off to washroom!"I retreated hurriedly, not meeting his eyes which were boring into mine in a cold fashion.Closing the washroom's door, I rested my head against it to calm my racing heart.What would Lara say? Would ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 36 (Don't Move)

Emily's Pov: I coudn't belive the person standing in front of me was the one whom I had known half of my life. I rubbed my eyes and blinked twice to confirm my suspicions. She chuckled at my reaction, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it, her beautiful innocent smile reminding me of her real quiet side. "How are you, Mrs Emily Jones! Well. Well! Who would've thought you two would get together so early. I always thought I would have to beat Edwrad to knock some real sense into his puddle mind that how much you love ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 37 (You Think I'm A Man)

Emily's Pov: I stared meekly at Rose while she continued to point two guns at two men present on room, one crawling on the corner and other still in confusion, standing at the door. "Rose, what are-" "Does he or does he not?!" She tilted her head to look at me, raising her eyebrows to press her question. "Well..he does. He cares for me a lot-" "Oh man. This is tiring!" She cracked her neck to the side, yawning a little while adjusting her guns before opening her mouth to blow the chewing gum balloon. Edward still stayed as ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 38 (Old Friends Reunion)

So all Jake and Mia lovers, here we go forward with their plot! Emily's Pov: Mia! What was she here! Did something bad happen!? "Emily!",she yelled, her eyes filled with tears and her cheeks all puffed up from crying. "Mia! Why are you crying!? Did something bad happen!? Mia-" Mia shook her head, throwing her arms around me and started to cry hysterically, her tears not willing to stop. "I don't know ...what to do..anymore... Emily! Help me! I don't want to live anymore! I can't do all of this anymore!" "Shh.. Mia. Never say never. Let's talk it ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 39 (Mission Mia)

Emily's pov: I was preparing breakfast when Edward came down sleepily, his hairs all ruffled up like a bird and he muttered something about how I dragged him away from bed so early. "Don't mutter like a girl and stuff your ass! We have to hurry!" I slid bowl of hot vegetable soup in front of him and he nodded absent mindedly, still leaning to table sleepily and digging his spoon in table to eat, and not in the real bowl. Sighing loudly, I grabbed the spoon from his hand and put my hands fully on his cheeks, making ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 40 (I Hate You)

Mia's Pov: It was awkward! So awkward! Sitting beside Jake while he was driving furiously to god knows where! didn't even spare me a glance and the speed with which he was driving, I was sure we would end up reaching Mars in no time. Gripping my seatbelt tightly, I nearly toppled over my seat when he suddenly roatated the steering wheel and the car turned to some undecided destination.. "Jake!?" No response. "Jake!?" Still no response. "Jake, are you okay!?" His fists were bleeding and the white cloth he wrapped around his fingers were soaked red now. I ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 41 (His Passion and Her Loss)

Mia's POV:While I just remembered saying one thing to him at last when he fell asleep beside me, pulling closer, soft snores coming from his nose."I love you, Jake" I whispered, running my hands along his cheeks"I don't know why I am telling you this after all these years, but I just felt like I should tell you. You deserve to know what I feel, though I never deserved to be in your arms, let alone in your future!!"I knew I would regret it the moment I would wake up, and I knew he would regret it too.But before ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 42 (Do You Love Me?)

Emily's pov:"Lily, I can't find my office files and where is my folder!?" I heard Edward calling for me, of things falling down coming from our bedroom."See there! Under that black cupboard inside your closet!" I yelled, stirring my stew before taking some in a spoon to taste.Too spicy!I added some water and vegetables, breaking two eggs and poured them over boiling stew. Chopping fresh parsley, I sprinkled it over my cooked stew."I can't find it anywhere! Emi Seriously, where the hell is that damn folder!"I sighed loudly, shooking my head and turning off the heat of the stew.Quickly ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 43 (Why He Never Gets A Clue?)

So Hello my lovely readers!? How are you?? Emily's Pov: He was still and silent as a rock, his widening like saucers, as if I had asked him the toughest question in the world. I sighed. "Are you my real husband, Eddie?!" He thought for a moment, then shook his head slowly. "No, right!? Then you don't have any right to stop me from talking to any men!" "But he is just some stupid sales tax manager!" "I don't talk to people for their money, Edward!! Do you think I am your friend because you are a businessman billionare!?" ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 44 (Some Old Secrets)

Emily's POV: My best friend's girlfriend! One woman. One beautiful woman who changed both of our destinies. One who my hopes of living happily ever after with Edward but gave him the best happiness he could ever get in his life. Her Love. They say that 'to love and being loved in return is the best thing in the world!' They say right though, I must admit!! Things worked out for them pretty well I suppose. I always thought that Lara was a big obstacle between me and Edward but years passed by like seasons and I never realized ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 45 (Shocking Revealations)

Hello my lovely lovely readers! How are you!? Emily's Pov: I was as shocked as a bull deprived of after ploughing fields in strong sunlight all day! I stared continously at Lara, who was still crying hysterically, hugging the album close to her bosom. "You have a daughter, Lara?!!" She nodded meekly, wiping her tears like a little girl with the back of her hands. My motherly love kicked in and without thinking anything, I pulled out handkerchief from my purse and handed it to her. She looked at the piece of cloth and then at me and I ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 46 (His Cute Little Secrets)

Emily's POV: "But he is Edward's cousin!" "I didn't know that before until I met Edward in my college "Oh god. This is so.. How did you give birth to the child then??!" Lara sighed loudly before looking at me. "After he left me all my myself to deal with that unwanted pregnancy, I was heartbroken and miserable. But I wasn't willing to abort my poor child who wasn't even born at that time. Giving a excuse of studying for better future to my family, I went to Europe to study where I gave birth to Vivian at my ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 47 (What's Her Deal, Man?)

Emily's POV: Oh dear, this so wasn't happening! No, never! What to do? Should I strangle him!? Oh hell Eric is my friend and like a brother to me!! But he was a villain to Lisa! But still, if only you could cut him to half and throw him to gutter- "Shut Up!" I shouted to myself! I paced worriedly in my room, wondering what to do while all in the house were fast asleep like bull and goats. Eric greeted us friendly, hugging me and Edward like old times, and though we talked a lot, of ancient rules ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 48 (Awkward Encounters)

Emily's POV: I was still busy in eating my nails and when I realised I was out of spare in my right hand, I stuffed my left hand in my mouth, chewing nails of my fingers in frustration. "Oh god! What should I do?!" Immediately, an idea popped to my ancient rotten head and a clear smile of relief made way in my potato-face! "Yes! I can do that!" I glanced down at my phone, looking down at the time and realised I still have half and hour left till it clicks five in the morning. Well, a relaxing ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 49 (Dangerous Territory)

Emily's POV: I was cooking breakfast and watching the front door at the same time. It was almost in the morning and I was glad Lara hadn't come until now. I wasn't willing to wake Eric up though he loved to go on morning walks. Edward had an important meeting today and so he was upstairs, getting ready for it. Suddenly the doorbell rang and I jumped at my place, my heart leaped to my throat, glaring at the door in hope. Please, let it not be Lara! Please, let it be anyone but Lara! While I was busy ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 50 (Crazy Confessions)

Emily's pov: Pouring two cups of coffee quickly, I walked towards Jake, who was sitting on drawing room, in mood. "Here!" I handed him a mug of coffee before sitting in front of him, crossing my legs. "So... How come you're here? So early in the morning!?" Jake didn't respond, instead he took one sip of his coffee, avoiding my gaze and perhaps, ignoring my logical question ever, as well. "Jake!? You didn't answer me. And now when I am thinking about it, where is...." I looked all around the room, before fixing my eyes on Jake, "Mia?" He ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 51 (His Thoughts About His Past)

Emily's POV: It was hard to reach Mia since she wasn't picking up my phone or replying to my and I was getting worried for her. I contacted the mobile company to put her mobile number on surveillance using my late father's security business card and they wanted some time to tell me the exact location of Mia. "So what did the two of you talk about?!" Turning around, I saw Eric drinking water from the fridge and he placed food on the table, everything steaming hot and ready. I smelled the aroma of his handmade dishes, opening lid ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 52 (His Cute Exceptions For Her)

Emily's POV: Loud reverberation of thunder broke my line of thoughts and I ran towards the window to realise still hadn't stopped raining. Cold drops of rain splattered my face and chilling breeze hugged my features just as I opened my window to peek at the weather. Glancing at my phone, I threw it annoyingly on sofa after seeing no calls or replies from Edward. I sat beside the window, my eyes glued on the muddy road, my eyelids dropping heavily from sleep. A loud knock on the door woke me up abruptly from my short nap and I ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 53 (Don't Break My Heart Anymore)

Emily's Pov: I organised all the fresh ingredients in the fridge, throwing away all the rotten and expired food into the dustbin. Stirring the glass of lemon water after adding a bit of salt, I drank it in one shot, cold water soothing my frustrated nerves and relaxing my body. It had been three weeks already and I didn't receive anything satisfying from Cyber security and surveillance department, regarding the precise location of Mia or her whereabouts. I heard shuffling of things, heavy footsteps on stairs resonated the ambient and I abruptly turned towards the kitchen counter, busying myself ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 54 (Truth Always Surfaces In The End)

Emily's POV: I splashed some cold water over my face, cleaning each and every corner of my face. Dark under my eyes were still visible, and I was worried if my mom saw me in freaking ugly condition like this, with my hairs sticking like a birdnest from my bun and my face looking like a distorted mushroom after all those sleepless depressing nights, then she would certainly throw a huge fit over it. Mom was waiting in the drawing room after I excused myself to go to washroom and let Miranda open the door for her. Quickly applying ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 55 (For His Sake)

Emily's POV: I looked at her, my face forming a surprised expression at her sudden, very unexpected question. "Yes I am! How many times will you confirm it-" "But it's the first time I asked you this question though." I sighed loudly, placing the cutlet piece back on the plate. "Mom. Look at me and tell me! Do you really think I am not happy with this marriage!?" "Emily, I am your mother and I know very well when my daughter is hurting." "Mom, it's a futile argument. Really! And you know already how much I love Edward and ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 56 (Her Broken Heart Knows No End)

Emily's POV: I sat on the side of the bed, leaning my head against it, my eyes filled with and my heart beating wildly at the thought of not being able to see Edward again. I didn't even get the chance to run my hands along his face for the last time, to remember each and every corner of it, to memorize his smile for as long as I live in this world. I wonder what Edward would say once he finds I am not there? He would definitely go ballistic after learning that it was all my fault ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 57 (Will He Ever Love Her?)

Emily's POV: I shuffled in my blanket, tossing and turning over it, putting my arms around my body to some warmth. Heavy rain was pouring outside, loud claps of thunder reverberated the ambient and cold wet breeze was coming from the open window of my bedroom, decreasing the temperature of the room. I stood up from the floor, wrapping the blanket tightly around my body and walked towards the window. Extending my one hand outside, I let cold water fall down my arms and I closed my eyes, inhaling the muddy aroma of the wet soil, clutching the blanket ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 58 (His Drunken Mishaps)

Emily's POV: It had been almost four weeks since my inevitable fight with Edward. We didn't talk to each or to be precise, I didn't talk to him. He frequently called me and send me texts to check on me and I knew it was really a long time we gone without talking or seeing each other in our long history of friendship, so it must be hard for him to ignore me or my presence after I had behaved so rudely with him. Supporting a marriage, and the wrong one at that, was really troublesome and painful experience ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 59 (Friendship And Some Golden Promises - Part I)

Emily's Pov: My phone almost fell off my hand, hearing such words from Mia while Rose just scooted more to the phone, ready to hear more from Mia. Hesitating, I adjusted the phone in my hand. "Are you sure that you're pregnant?" "Yes. I am. I checked it in a pregnancy kit-" "Mia, those results can be wrong as well-" "I got full checkup from the hospital, Emily. They told me I am one month pregnant, and they also asked me to come for regular appointments for better care and development of a baby." My mouth opened in awe. ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 60 (Friendship And Some Golden Promises - Part II)

Emily's POV: Silence stretched between us for long minutes as Mia took her time in contemplating her decision. "I know what to do, Emily. I am in a strange dilemma." I glanced at Rose who merely threw me an annoying and impassive look making me roll my eyes at her. "Are you sure you can handle the pregnancy? Will you keep the baby then?" "I wouldn't ask that question if I were you." Rose said, raising one eyebrow at me. "Unfortunately, I don't intend to behave as myself today." I said to Rose, who ignored my words like a ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 61 (What's Her Real Identity?)

Emily's Pov: I sighed and looked at Rose with defeat and resignation. "I shouldn't have said all those things her, right!? She would have told Jake about her pregnancy if only I didn't stick my gummy ass-" "She already left everything from the start, so it's not that you triggered her into doing anything wrong." Rose placed her left hand behind my back and caressed my spine upside down, her actions calming my raging nerves a little. I was feeling sad and I wanted nothing more than to to crawl around any corner of my room to cry all ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 62 (You Can't Run Away From Your Past)

Emily's Pov: I glared at her. "That is not an area of joking, Rose! I want an elaborated explanation how you accquired-" "This badge belongs to me." I gawked at her, curling my fingers tightly around the badge. "Oh my God!" "Yes. I know. I know." Rose waved her hand at me, nodding her head. Michael raised his eyebrow at my sudden outburst and tried to look at the object I was holding in my hands. With little struggle in between maintaining his nonchalant taciturnity form and his giant curiosity crawling nervously on his nerves, when he indeed became ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 63 (He is Denser Than Any Tree)

Author's POV: "How can you be so cruel to your own friend, Edward!" Mrs Jones glared menacingly at her who just stared at her blankly, his mind somewhere else. "I'm talking to you, Edward!" Mrs Jones rubbed her temples to relieve some stress, before she sighed at her son. "I had never known I'd live to see a day where my own son would scam me for his selfish desires!" "I apologized already Mom. I'm sorry-" "You're sorry!? That's it!? Did you say this word to Emily!? Did you apologize to her properly after you played with her feelings ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 64 (It's Not Easy To Love Someone...Back)

Emily's POV: His head snapped at his mother's direction, anger flashing in his eyes. "Why would I be happy it?" "Why not? Was she not happy for you when you told her you were in love with Lara?" He looked hesitant for a moment before looking up at his mom's expectant face. "Yes. She was. She congratulated me for falling in love with an amazing person. I don't remember her ever talking ill of Lara so I assumed Emily must like her very much." "See. You shared your happines with her. She willingly accepted to be a part of ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 65 (Part One of Epilogue : Where She Had Accepted Changes For Better

A little fun I did with my own writing. Read ahead to know lol.Emily's POV: "Ugh, this is too hard! I can't do it anymore!" I sighed loudly, letting the laces of the red dress I was wearing fall down to my sides. Closing my eyes in frustration, I looked at the phone screen to see Mia muffling her laughter with her palm. We had been on a video call for an hour. She was teaching me how to wear this new dress my mom had made it necessary to gift to me as the part of my effort ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 66 (Part Two of Epilogue :When Her Past Life Speaks Too Much About Her Feelings)

Emily's POV: Mia was confused and lost at my words. "Stopped being in each other's lives? What's that supposed mean?" I winced slightly as the pin I had been adjusting around a stubborn frizzy curl made every possible measure to poke my fingertips and, eventually, did succeed in bringing a gasp out of me. "I should've taken those little hints too, Mia. Considerable of all, when he decided to go on a separate path all by himself, most of which didn't involve we being together." Mia looked at me with something akin to pity. Something that I loathe her ...Read More


When We Met - EP - 67 - last part - (Part Three of Epilogue : There Is Just So Much That She Needs T

"So you're going to hand over this box to him right?" Mia asked, hoping for some positive response from side, as evident from her slightly raised tone. "I'm in the middle of considering-" "What's there to consider-oh my God, I'm going insane, I think I've lost half millions of my brain cells trying to persuade the 'yes' out of you and Jesus forbid, but I still fucking failed! I'm gonna puke all my frustration towards your stubborn ass one by one-wait, I think I'm going to need to puke for real, wait! Don't go anywhere. I'll be back in ...Read More


When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 1 - where their hearts meet and the world collides

[ Excerpt From Book - II ] She came forward and hugged his waist, her head on his the fear he'd never fathom ran across his wildly pumping veins as he wondered if she'll ever get to know that this time, the reason of his heavy breathing, sweaty palms, consistent bobbing Adam's Apple, dry mouth and his urge to keep her close, as close as nothing ever went through him, is not because of his state of inebriation. It's because she's standing so close to him, the irony she stood this close to him since forever while he took more than ...Read More


When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 2 - where fumbling hearts will find beat for each other, again.

Edward's POVFor a minute, he was silent. He just kept staring at her. For a while.What was he to to her? He wasn't confident enough of speaking a word to her. What if he again says something which might hurt Emily unknowingly.He hardly knew what was going on his friend's mind these days.He was afraid he'd say something which might push her to the edge and she'd burst in tears. Again. And she wouldn't even let him comfort him. He was already robbed off that right of being a friend to her.He couldn't even embrace her in his warmth. ...Read More


When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 3 - where he knows how much he wants her

Hey guys, so as promised, there is the second update to the previous chapter.Enjoy!Edward's POV-He focused on the presence her warmth and softness in his hands and smiled longingly at her. "Emily, I'm here to say a lot of things today. Lot of things I need to apologize for before you can even think about forgiving me. And my sorry ass."Emily's hands tucked his to make him stand again but he remained rooted to his spot. "It's such a cold night today, Edward-""No, let me complete this." He looked pleadingly into her eyes. "Please."She now seemed to understand him ...Read More


When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 4 - where he is coming in terms with some crazy revelations

"Am I too late to beg for your forgiveness and perhaps for you to provide me with something to as well?" Edward asked tentatively, gauging Emily's reaction. "I mean to say if you're not still in habit of collecting dead bodies, or if you're looking forward to adding me in your special collection."Emily looked at him in mock disbelief and he added with a wink, "That'd cost you billions by the way, and you should also add millions spent in kneeling in front of judges to get you out of jail for the possible murder due to starvation and ...Read More


When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 5 - where he's coming in terms with some crazy realisations

Edward looked at Emily, shocked at his own admission that the faceless woman in his thoughts was none other her, the one woman he had married in his entire life, who, gratefully, was also the only woman he had kneeled for, and yet also the only woman who could make him kneel on his words, and more, again.Overwhelmed with this discovery and before realizing what he was doing, Edward took hold of Emily’s arm and pulled her forward. She skidded on her steps before her palms fell flat on his hard chest and her mouth fell open in surprise.His ...Read More


When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 6 - where he seems to have found every answer within him

Suddenly Edward was so shook to the core he pursed his lips in a thin line, trying to determine that meant after he had this earth shattering conclusion in his mind.Or more precisely, what he should do next to give himself the release from this agony of having to wait upon Emily's every word, her every sigh and her thoroughly agonizing stories about her dates — with men — from a distance, just as her friend, as she did the same to him in his time of need — while also allowing himself the patience of watching her fall ...Read More


When We Met - Book - II - Chapter 7 - Where There Is So Much Truth In His Words

Edward's POV —Marry me, Emily . Be my wife. Seize your rightful place in my heart. Be my queen this king couldn't possibly rule his kingdom alone anymore while he still writhed each day for you and — your touch.The words were stuck in his head, singing their own emotions and their own feeling of happiness if ever they could come true.He gazed at her with adoration, not being able to play this game of cat and mouse anymore. Either he be the man and let her know he couldn't care a whit about how she thought of that ...Read More