A love story in no man's land

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The story and its characters are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people is a pure coincidence. The story uses real geographical locations for its setting and real events to support some of the scenes in the story. However, the story is in no way linked to any of these events in reality. The usage of real places and real events is just to ensure an immersive reading experience for the readers. The story is narrated in hyperlink genre. The first chapter sets the stage while the following chapters deal with the past of each of the main characters. The final

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A love story in no man's land - Chapter 1

The story and its characters are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people is a pure coincidence. The story uses geographical locations for its setting and real events to support some of the scenes in the story. However, the story is in no way linked to any of these events in reality. The usage of real places and real events is just to ensure an immersive reading experience for the readers. The story is narrated in hyperlink genre. The first chapter sets the stage while the following chapters deal with the past of each of the main characters. The final ...Read More


A love story in no man's land - Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Amira's passion 21 years ago A village near Hamat Gader, Just another morning More than hundred students, their parents, the teachers, and the staff gathered that day to announce the prestigious best student award. The award is given based on the student's performance in co-curricular, extra-curricular, and community activities along with the academic score. "Our school is proud to announce the best student award for this year," the Principal said, "And, my dear gentlemen, the winner is a girl. Her victory is a testimonial for her passion. Her victory is a slap on the face of ...Read More


A love story in no man's land - Chapter 3.1

Chapter 3.1. An Alarm 21 years ago A small village few miles south of Wazzani, a tense A young shepherd was grazing his sheep on the banks of River Hasbani. Hearing a large sound from somewhere, he looked around and spotted a group of people marching with arms. He ran back to the village and alerted all the villagers. The village had about 40 houses with a population of around 120, of which more than 50 were either studying or working in different port cities of the country. "Get inside your homes, everyone, get inside" "What happened?" "A ...Read More


A love story in no man's land - Chapter 3.2

Chapter 3.2. Wedding bells As Zahira took the photo in her hands, her eyes were wet with and the thoughts took her back to the past. 3 years ago (April 1996) Zahira belongs to the Druze community, a minority in the country, but a majority in the surrounding villages. Zahira was married to Emir and had two sons and a daughter. Her elder son and daughter-in-law died during an attack in Beirut two years ago, leaving their 3-year old son, Walid behind. Her daughter was married to a trader from the neighboring village and they settled near Tyre. ...Read More


A love story in no man's land - Chapter 3.3

Chapter 3.3. The ceremony begins? Tuesday (The next morning) "Still knitting the sweater?!" Raya's friend asked surprisingly, are taking too long!" "Just some final touches," said Raya as she almost finished knitting the sweater Raya's mother, aunts, and cousins were busy stitching the wedding dresses for themselves and Raya, along with bedsheets and linen. It was Sandit Al-Arous in two days and the kinswomen were very busy as they had to get the wedding gown ready by the night before. The groom's house was also busy with people running around making things ready for the Urs, the wedding ...Read More