Benign Flame: Saga of Love

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he attractions Roopa experienced and the fantasies she entertained as a teen shaped a male imagery that ensconced her subconscious. Insensibly, confident carriage came to be associated with the image of maleness in her mind-set. Her acute consciousness of masculinity only increased her vulnerability to it, making her womanliness crave for the maleness for its gratification. However, as her father was constrained to help her in becoming a doctor, she opts to marry, hoping that Sathyam might serve her cause though the persona she envisioned as masculine, she found lacking in him. But as he fails to go with her idea, she becomes apathetic towards him, and insensibly sinks into her friend Sandhya’s embrace, for lesbian solace. Soon, in a dramatic sequence of events, Tara, a suave call girl, tries to rope Roopa into her calling; Roopa herself loses her heart to Sandhya's beau Raja Rao, and Prasad, her husband’s friend falls for her. And as Prasad begins to induce Sathyam to be seduced by whores to worm his way into her affections, Roopa finds herself in a dilemma. However, as fate puts Raja Rao into Roopa’s arms in such a way as to lend novelty to fiction, this ‘novel’ nuances man-woman chemistry on one hand, and portrays woman-woman empathy on the other.

Full Novel


Benign Flame: Saga of Love - 1

Benign Flame: Saga of Love BS Murthy ISBN 81-901911-3-6 Copyright © 2006 BS Murthy Originally published by Writers Workshop, Second and third editions by Self Imprint in 1997 and in 2004 This improved E-book edition is of 2013 Cover designed for 2004 edition by KB Bhaskar, GDC creative advertising (p) ltd., Hyderabad - 500 080 Self imprint F-9, Nandini Mansion, 1-10-234, Ashok Nagar, Hyderabad – 500 020 Other books by BS Murthy – Jewel-less Crown: Saga of Life Crossing the Mirage – Passing through youth Glaring Shadow - A stream of consciousness novel Prey on the Prowl – ...Read More


Benign Flame: Saga of Love - 2

Chapter 2 Realities of Life After that summer recess, with the reopening of the PR College, Roopa Sandhya joined in the Intermediate, and as though to signal the end of their schooling, they shed their skirts to switch over to saris. Looking all the sweeter in their sweet sixteen’s as they entered the campus that day, Roopa in her snuff chiffon sari and Sandhya in her Gadwal cotton one, they created quite a sensation. The delectable contours of Roopa’s well-proportioned body of five feet five appeared accentuated by her narrow waist as her curvy figure in that velvet ...Read More


Benign Flame: Saga of Love - 3

Chapter 3 Hapless Hope It was a two-storied building in a by-lane of Chikkadapally, a rather congested in Hyderabad. Its owner, Padmavathi, was a widow in her early fifties. She let out much of the space to bachelors ‘to augment her pension’ as she was wont to maintain. ‘Bachelors are any day better,’ she would aver, ‘for they cause little wear and tear, all the while being elsewhere.’ Her tenants, for their part, showed an unmistakable preference for her dwelling. With both her daughters married off, and with no one at home, she rarely left the reclining chair ...Read More


Benign Flame: Saga of Love - 4

Chapter 4 Turn at the Tether It was the night that Sathyam awaited in elation and Roopa with trepidation. ‘Guess what I’ve got for you,’ he said, reaching his bride reclining on the bedecked bed. Bogged down with her own agenda, she wasn’t enthused to respond even though he repeated himself, and he tried to rationalize her indifference, ‘Well, she could be bridal-shy.’ Nevertheless, pressing closer to her, he persisted, “You’ve only three chances.” How many times did he visualize, over the fortnight, the scene of their guessing game - a perplexed Roopa fudging, and he goading her ...Read More


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Chapter 5 Moorings of Marriage Sathyam, on a tip-off from a friend, contacted Kantha Rao, the owner a corner house of a by- lane in Domalaguda. “Are you,” enquired Kantha Rao on the wrong side of the fifties, “a vegetarian?” As Sathyam answered in the affirmative, the interrogation continued. “Are you married or not?” “See, we don’t let out to bachelors, forced or otherwise,” chimed in Lalitha, the childless woman of the house. As Sathyam certified his marital status, he was shown the place by the couple, however, only after getting convinced about his credentials. That first floor ...Read More


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Chapter 6 World within the world ‘7Up Godavari Express coming from Visakhapatnam will be arriving in a minutes on platform No.2 Platform,’ the Secunderabad Railway Station echoed to the ill-modulated voice of a male announcer. “Just late by two hours,” said Meera sarcastically, after checking with her watch. “God speed the railways,” said Ramu, who by then had finished four cups of coffee. Relieving them of their weariness, soon the train came into view. When in time, it decelerated into the station; their spirits soared to the skies. Spotting Sathyam standing at the exit, they waved at him ...Read More


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Chapter 7 Roopa’s En Passant That Sunday morning, the picnic spot at Gandipet, on the banks of was crowded with holidaymakers of all descriptions. When Sathyam and Roopa reached the place on their Lambretta, the gathering found their bearings for reveling. “Mrs. Sathyam is marvelous,” admired a middle-aged man within Roopa’s hearing. Though the compliment pleased her, the allusion startled her. She was galled at her social identity as Mrs. Sathyam. ‘Mrs. Sathyam could be the prop of my public stance,’ she despaired, ‘but who would know about my private reconciliation for accommodation!’ Besides the admiring looks of ...Read More


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Chapter 8 Threshold of Temptation Back in Sathyam’s arms on her return, Roopa felt as though she in the lap of reality after her reign in the realms of fantasy. ‘Isn’t he lucky in a way?’ she thought that night, lying beside Sathyam, who was asleep by then. ‘While he airs his dreams freely, I’m forced to bury my fulfillment at the bottom of my heart. Oh, whom can I tell how happy I’m in our lesbian love? What a paradox! Wasn’t it he that triggered my libido to explode in Sandhya’s embrace. But for that weak moment, ...Read More


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Chapter 9 Sathyam’s Surrender Sinking into the sofa on reaching home, Roopa closed her eyes as if eliminate the environs, and began to focus her thoughts on the object of her agitation. ‘This is yours by right,’ she recalled Ravi’s words as she felt for the pearl on her breast. Finding it in the left cup, she retrieved it like a treasure and posited it on her palm in adoration. Then gazing at it lovingly, she recalled his complement, ‘In terms of money it costs next to nothing, but it symbolizes beauty at its very best, seen through ...Read More


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Chapter 10 Sandhya’s Sojourn That December evening, Sandhya came home dancing to the tune, ‘Soon I’m going, see my darling.’ ‘When is she coming?’ at length, Damayanthi interrupted Sandhya in her mirth. ‘No mummy darling,’ said Sandhya still dancing, ‘It’s me that’s going.’ ‘What’s the matter?’ asked Damayanthi. ‘It’s the NCC thing,’ Sandhya said excitedly, ‘I’ve made it to the state level, and God willing, from there to New Delhi for the Republic Day parade.’ ‘Congrats,’ said Damayanthi hugging her daughter. ‘I’m proud of you my darling,’ said Kamalakar who came by then. ‘Oh, if only,’ said Sandhya ...Read More


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Chapter 11 Match in the Making Once in Delhi, Sandhya found the winter severe and the rehearsals Nevertheless, the prospect of participating in the prestigious parade excited her no end. And to uplift her spirits further, her parents wired their coming to the capital to watch the spectacle. Then came the Republic Day, and the nation was wont to celebrate. Marching on the Rajpath that 26th January morning, Sandhya envisioned Roopa glued to her TV set. Besides, she was conscious about the presence of her parents, somewhere in the crowd, waiting to see her march past them. The ...Read More


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Chapter 12 Poignant Moment ‘What a lovely girl she is!’ thought Raja Rao, for the umpteenth time. not be the ravishing type, but surely she’s the charming kind. Above all, she’s a wifely stuff. Won’t I be able to mould her into a matchless mate? What if I propose to her? It looks like we are of the same caste and that should make matters easy. But then, what of our sub-sects? Don’t they seem progressive to mind all that. But who knows? Appearances can be deceptive, can’t they? Oh, even then, one has still to reckon with ...Read More


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Chapter 13 Wedding Season When the postman came to deliver Sandhya’s letter that March end, Roopa nearly if from him to his amusement. My Lovey, Pardon me for my negligence in spite of a couple from you. With my exams nearing, I wasn’t in the right mood to write to you. But now, there’s great news to convey to you. I was engaged only this evening to Raja Rao. Yes, I’m not able to believe it myself! We happened to meet in Delhi when I went there. Why imagine, it’s an arranged match, with a little bit of ...Read More


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Chapter 14 Veil of Fate The countdown to Sandhya’s wedding commenced with the arrival of the marriage on that 6th June. The groom’s entourage felt the official clout of Kamalakar, who by then became the District Collector. Officials worked overtime to spruce up the government guest-houses for the occasion. Fleets of department vehicles were lined up at a hailing distance from the guests. The kalyana mandapam was so made up as to resemble the durbar hall of a maharajah’s palace. Attendants in their scores swarmed the place to be on hand for assorted errands. Sandhya was wondering how ...Read More


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Chapter 15 Naughty Nuptials As the chauffeur-driven Ambassador crossed Kakinada, greenery greeted the honeymooners. ‘I never knew we’re so close to nature,’ exclaimed Sandhya leaning on her man. ‘Once we’re in Konaseema,’ said Raja Rao feeling refreshed, ‘you won’t have eyes for me even.’ ‘How I wish,’ said Sandhya, lost in her excitement, ‘that Roopa were with us,’ ‘I’m beginning to get envious of your Roopa,’ he said in jest, taking her hand, ‘Why so,’ she said lovingly, ‘she only complements my love for you.’ ‘What’s so special about her?’ he tried to appear casual. ‘Oh, she’s unique,’ ...Read More


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Chapter 16 Tidings of Love Roopa was languid in her bed that morning when she received Sandhya’s - ARRIVING TWENTIETH GODAVARI RECEIVE US STATION. Overwhelmed, she threw her hands up in excitement. However, she picked up ‘The Hindu’ lying in the door latch as though to confirm the date. Thrilled at the prospect of meeting Raja Rao, she looked at the clock, and was shocked at what she saw. ‘There’s hardly any time left. Oh, the train would arrive in half an hour, the time that takes me to reach the station. Can’t the department show some consideration ...Read More


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Chapter 17 Tentative Moves By the time Roopa came out of the Railway Station with Raja and Sandhya, the auto-stand wore a deserted look. Moving away from them to locate an auto, Roopa hailed at a passing one. The auto driver as though to show her, her place in the love triangle, drove in to form a wedge between her and the wedded couple. As Roopa got in from the right, Raja Rao stepped in from the left to place the luggage in the space behind. As he was about to step out to let Sandhya get in, ...Read More


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Chapter 18 Fetishes of Fantasy After siesta that evening, Sandhya proposed a walk on the Tank Bund they agreed to. ‘Let’s walk down,’ said Roopa as they came out. In time, as they reached there, Raja Rao noticed many life- size statues lined at intervals and wished to see them all at close quarters. While they walked past a long row of imposing bronzes of renowned Andhras, installed on granite pedestals, as he read the inspiring inscriptions in gold on them, he marveled, ‘A great idea.’ ‘Controversial though,’ said Roopa. ‘How?’ he looked surprised. ‘There was a minor ...Read More


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Chapter 19 Curtain of Courtesy At the break of the dawn, Roopa awoke to the sound of buzzer, and was surprised to see Sathyam at the door. Seeing the makeshift bed in the hall, he was surprised in turn, but before he could enquire from Roopa, he got the reply from Sandhya, ‘I’m happy you’ve come.’ While Roopa took the briefcase from Sathyam’s hand, Raja Rao who had joined them by then, observed her demeanor to discern her emotions, and having noticed a perceptible disappointment in her, he felt vindicated. ‘Glad I’ve come back,’ said a visibly delighted ...Read More


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Chapter 20 Blueprint in the Offing Unmindful of the sentimental ways of its passengers, while the Minar kept its westward course, reclining in the first class coupe, Raja Rao reminisced over that incomplete encounter with Roopa. ‘What would she have said had I not drawn her attention to Sathyam’s presence?’ he began to contemplate, ‘Could she have disclosed her love for me? Unlikely, but surely she would have said something to break the ice. How momentous it should’ve been if we were slower by a step or two. Isn’t it clear to both of us that we’re in ...Read More


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Chapter 21 Enduring Longing That morning as the Minar reached Dadar, Raja Rao and Sandhya were all to alight. Having exited from the railway station, aided by a couple of porters who carried their luggage, they hired a cab to Chembur. Soon, Sandhya stepped into that spacious flat to the warmth of her in-laws’ greetings. ‘How’s he behaving?’ said Gopala Rao in jest, taking himself away from ‘The Times of India’. As Sandhya smiled coyly, enquired Visala, ‘How is everyone at Kakinada?’ ‘All are fine,’ said Sandhya. ‘My parents were particular that I should convey their pranaams to ...Read More


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Chapter 22 Villainy of Life That morning, alighting from the Dakshin Express at Secunderabad, Raja Rao headed the Ritz. Though the anxiety he felt all through the journey for Roopa wore him out, he felt rejuvenated upon landing with the thought that he was breathing the very air scented by her breath. ‘If only I could check into her house’ he thought dreamily. ‘How excited she would be if I knock at the door with my bag and baggage? Moreover, my stay there would have helped our flirtation, and even more, who knows? But then without Sandhya around, ...Read More


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Chapter 23 Playboy at Play In mid-January that sankranthi, the exhibition ground in Hyderabad came alive as fair curious of all ages inundated the premises. While some sauntered in and out of the pavilions, erected by the government departments, others filled the private stalls, of consumer goods. But, what took the cake at the grand mela were the garment shops. Nonetheless, the sensible, so it seemed, stood rooted at the vantage points to ogle at the bevy of beauties who made it to the annual fair. In the pavilion of the Austral Industries, its young Executive Director was ...Read More


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Chapter 24 Scheming the Theme ‘Satisfactory, isn’t it?’ thought Prasad on his way back to his home. I played my cards with finesse? If anything, Sathyam’s dinner gesture is a sure pointer. But the proof of the pudding is only in the eating. Anyway, it’s still such a long way to get there, isn’t it? But then, the goddess willing, won’t I have it someday? Well, a good start might ensure the lead all the way.’ ‘Sathyam is a simpleton as ever,’ he thought, trying to analyze his friend and his wife. ‘If a man of thirty were ...Read More


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Chapter 25 Device of Deceit Getting into his Chevrolet, Prasad drove straight into the 7th Street of Parking his car near a pan shop, he chain smoked India Kings in all excitement and spotting Tara, as she entered the lane, he was impatient for her to reach her house. As Tara took note of him too, once in, she left the door ajar, in all expectation. ‘Who’s there?’ she said nevertheless at the sound of the door buzzer. ‘Your prodigal soul,’ said Prasad pushing open the door. ‘My body welcome,’ said Tara pulling him inside. ‘I’m glad,’ said ...Read More


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Chapter 26 Software of Detour That April evening, Roopa impatiently waited for Sathyam’s return from the office. though to keep irritation at bay, she was rereading Sandhya’s letter delivered that day. ‘When it’s time for their coming, what do I get to hear from her,’ she thought at length, folding her mate’s missive. ‘Isn’t it about the postponement of her exams? Why not rename India as Postponeland? How something or the other comes in my way to Delhi. Come what may, I should go now to know where I stand on the ladder of Raja’s love.’ Having realized ...Read More


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Chapter 27 Tara’s Theory On his way to Roopa’s place that evening, Prasad began to review his in the waiting game he was forced to play with her. ‘Left to herself, she would let my passion remain in hibernation, wouldn’t she?’ he deliberated in desperation. ‘Oh me, it’s six months since I’ve been wooing her, and isn’t that a record of failure for me? All the same, being coy to my attentions, she makes it appear as if it’s only time, before she grants it to me. It seems she’s retaining her option for a liaison without taking ...Read More


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Chapter 28 Night of the Mates That August afternoon, at the Premier Architects’ office, holding Sandhya’s letter, Rao was immersed in Roopa’s thoughts. ‘How miserable she could be, the poor thing,’ he sighed for the umpteenth time. As though to get a measure of his beloved’s misery all again, he read from his wife’s letter once again. ‘After a fortnight’s stay here, Roopa left for Hyderabad this evening. Bogged down with her affairs all these days, I couldn’t write to you. Roopa is distraught, to say the least. She says that Sathyam has gone astray, unbelievable though it ...Read More


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Chapter 29 A Brimming Romance The next morning Roopa woke up at nine as if from a and found Raja Rao still asleep, looking at him fondly, ‘Oh, wasn’t it better than all my dreams put together!’ she thought ecstatically. Impulsively as she touched him as if to confirm that her fulfillment was in the realms of possibility, for once, as the softness of her touch failed to excite him in his slumber, he continued to sleep like a log. ‘Oh, what a night it has been!’ she thought, withdrawing her hand though without taking her eyes off ...Read More


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Chapter 30 Euphoric Forays The Godavari Express that Roopa boarded at Secunderabad that September evening seemed to been powered by the pull of her passion. As it raced on the rails, the sound of its vibrations synchronized with the pounding of her heart beats but when the train came to a halt at Kazipet ending her two-hour long anxiety, it didn’t take long for Roopa to jump into the waiting arms of Raja Rao. ‘I was afraid,’ she said, hugging him, ‘about your train reaching in time.’ ‘How did you think that I could have left that to ...Read More


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Chapter 31 Living the Dream The next morning as Raja Rao and Sandhya went to see Roopa, was Janaki who received them at the door as Roopa was still having her bath. ‘Your in-laws speak well of you,’ said Janaki to Raja Rao, ‘and that goes in favor of any man. Besides, your wife too sings your praises, and so also my daughter Roopa. Now that you’re moving over to Hyderabad, we can relax about Roopa.’ ‘I’m glad that Roopa comes back into Sandhya’s life,’ he said smiling. ‘She led only half a life in Delhi.’ ‘Roopa tells ...Read More


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Chapter 32 Chat at the Bar On the day of Saroja’s barasala, Sathyam arrived to Sandhya’s delight. him for coming, she hoped that he and Roopa would soon give her an opportunity for reciprocity. What with his dormant desire coming to the fore as he took Saroja, Sathyam looked at Roopa in hope. ‘Write down her name,’ said the purohit to Raja Rao, handing him the rice slate he made in a silver plate. As that raised the curtains for the naming ceremony, Raja Rao went through the exercise, watched by Sandhya by his side and even as ...Read More


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Chapter 33 Amour on Rein On that vijayadasami, during October, the lane leading to the office of Integral Architects Pvt. Ltd., in Himayatnagar, was lined up with assorted vehicles of those who came to grace the inaugural function. While Roopa, in her grey Binny silk sari, was at the entrance welcoming the invitees with her bewitching smile, Raja Rao in brown corduroys and white T-shirt was ensuring that all were seated, as they entered. Handling the refreshments were Aslam, the drafter and Narasaiah, the daftari. As if to capture the moment for the posterity, Sathyam was busy clicking ...Read More


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Chapter 34 Surge of a Merge When the curfew was lifted in the walled city across the it did seem that sanity was restored in the excited souls. Though the Hyderabadis began to venture tentatively to get back to their routine, the city was still tense in the emotional sense. By two that afternoon, Raja Rao left for the Wahab Builders, in the bazaar near the Charminar, synonymous with the country’s pearl trade. As Aslam availed a casual leave that day, and since one of the clients was pressing for the blue print, Roopa substituted as the drafter. ...Read More


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Chapter 35 Date with Destiny For the first anniversary of her D-Day that August, Roopa was dead to be in Tirupati with her lovers. However, as she was clueless about keeping her man away from their love triangle, she got reconciled to Sathyam’s ironical presence at her thanksgiving. That afternoon, as Sathyam was helping Roopa pack their luggage, Rami Reddy, his department head, sent for him. ‘Yes sir,’ said Sathyam to Rami Reddy, having cursed him all the way to the Secretariat. ‘I’m sorry Sathyam,’ Rami Reddy sounded apologetic. ‘I have to cancel your leave.’ ‘Why sir!’ said ...Read More


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Chapter 36 Threesome Sail Waiting for the arrival of Rayalaseema Express at Nampally that morning, Sathyam felt only on Roopa’s return would the hidden treasure acquire its true value for its possession. As the train chugged into the railway station, he sighted Roopa leaning out to wave at him, and seeing her alight, radiating in that pearl chain, his own mood was further buoyed. ‘You look great,’ said Sathyam to Roopa, having greeted them all. ‘It’s a surprise from Sandhya,’ said Roopa fondling her pearls chain. ‘Why don’t you see how nice she is in that coral necklace?’ ...Read More


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Chapter 37 End of an Innings Some six months later, it seemed, destiny was making a course in Roopa’s life. After Sathyam had his breakfast that Sunday morning, she herself feeling lazy, Roopa sent him to fetch some bhindi. On his way back from the nearby sabzi mandi, remembering Roopa’s indent for matchboxes as well, he stopped at a pan shop and chanced to read the headline of the Eenadu on sale there. Though he couldn’t believe his eyes, the caption there shook him to the core. Jeopardized by the news, he picked up a copy in anxiety, ...Read More


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Chapter 38 Subdued Beginning Roopa, with a hangover, woke up to Yadamma’s buzzer, at seven the next only to realize that Sathyam was still in bed. At that, as she began to brush her teeth, Yadamma set out to wash the staircase. Soon, as Roopa was at preparing coffee decoction for them and Sathyam, for he started having bed coffee for sometime then, Yadamma began sweeping the hall. At length, while Roopa in the kitchen was keeping watch over the boiling milk Yadamma went into the bedroom. Shortly thereafter as Yadamma, taking ayya to be dead, raised an ...Read More