Happiness the ultimate thing.

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Every man is searching happiness.when a person pass his study period, he finds job or business or anything for his livlihood. Whenever he choose or does his job, his ultimate goal is to be happy, nothing else.When a man choose his job or profession or business, he should have clear things in his mind that am i satisfied or happy to do this job. If he is not feeling happieness in his job than he should think about another job. But if he can't change the job he sbould do his job very happily. There are so many people who

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Happiness the ultimate thing.

Every man is searching happiness.when a person pass his study period, he finds job or business or anything his livlihood. Whenever he choose or does his job, his ultimate goal is to be happy, nothing else.When a man choose his job or profession or business, he should have clear things in his mind that am i satisfied or happy to do this job. If he is not feeling happieness in his job than he should think about another job. But if he can't change the job he sbould do his job very happily. There are so many people who ...Read More


Happiness the ultimate thing....2

Pleasure is dependent on others. If you love a woman, if that is pleasure, than woman become your master. you love a man if that is your pleasure and you feel unhappy without him- than you have created bondage yourself. You have created prison, you are no longer in freedom. If you are a seeker after money or power , than you will be dependent on money or power. The man who goes on accumalating money, will become more and more measurable. Because the more he has, more he wants and the more he is afraid to loose it. ...Read More


Happieness....the ultimate thing...3

Everybody wants happiness. Each and every peson does any work but the ultimate goal of man is to find But we are very sleepy person. We never think about happiness in deep and lives so unawarenessly that we never find happiness.Today we will go deep about happiness. See what happens when we are in s.s.c. we think when result comes and if I will get marks as I want I will be happyiest man in the world. When result comes and if result comes as per your expectations than we become happy and dance everywhere but the main problem ...Read More


Happieness .....the ultimate thing 4

Happieness is always in you. Yet everyone is searching outside. But if you want happieness than you have to hard to understand the happiness. Everyone wants happiness but really nobody is going in deep to search and understand the happiness.First if you want to be happy please have habit of let go. Our attitude is very strange towards situation. Suppose our child get less marks, we got angry on the spot. We never stop to think the position of our child or we not even accepting the situation. We have to think our child position or mentality and than ...Read More


Happieness .....the ultimate thing 5

Happiness is the very important thing in every human life. Whatever man does but the ultimate goal of man to find happieness only. But the very strange thing is, we are finding happiness always from outside. We are very strange person. We have put so many condition to our life that give me this and than I am happy. And when we get that thing we become happy for some time and put very soon other condition that now if I will get this than I will be happy. Rabia a lady was suffi saint and very genius and real ...Read More