The Heart thats Meant to Love you

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As I walked inside the Grandeur Hotel, my eyes widened in surprise. Everything seemed so surreal, so dreamlike that I literally felt that I am in a whole new world.I was truly mesmerized by the intricate beauty of the large hall.Whether it be the large beautiful golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling or the shiny patterns of the floor on which I was standing, everything looked very fascinating. My eyes took in every minute details of the beautiful hall." Mmmhh... " Someone coughed in distanc

New Episodes : : Every Thursday


The Heart thats Meant to Love you

As I walked inside the Grandeur Hotel, my eyes widened in surprise. Everything seemed so surreal, so dreamlike that literally felt that I am in a whole new world.I was truly mesmerized by the intricate beauty of the large hall.Whether it be the large beautiful golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling or the shiny patterns of the floor on which I was standing, everything looked very fascinating. My eyes took in every minute details of the beautiful hall." Mmmhh... " Someone coughed in distance bringing me out of my daze. I immediately looked towards the source of the sound and ...Read More


The Heart that's Meant to Love You - 2

Oh, What a pleasant surprise, it's nice to meet you after so long ....Wifey!", He said in an icy voice flashing me a huge grin, the smile not reaching his eyes.I slightly flinched on hearing the word Wifey from his mouth because it brought back certain memories which I don't want to remember. I swallowed in nervousness when I noticed him coming closer to me, his cologne hitting my nostrils reminding me of his intoxicating smell which always drives me towards him.My eyes closened on their own as soon as he took a step further into my personal space.A gasp ...Read More


The Heart that's Meant to Love you - 3

I remembered the first day I met him, the day which I would never forget in my life, the things started to change in my life. It was the freshers meet up in the college where each fresher have to show their talents ... * * * * * "Guys ...May I have your attention, please. The next contestant we are calling upon the stage is Miss Kavya Sinha." As soon as my name was announced I swallowed nervously. Oh my God! Oh my God! They have announced my name which means that it's my turn to go on ...Read More


The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 4

Chapter-4 "Did you called the clients for the meeting ?" " Yes sir" " Did you send the notice to RK corporations for meddling in our business? " " Yes sir, I have sent the legal notice with proper warning." " Have you prepared the papers for the NK corporations deal ?" "Yes sir " " Have you informed our employees for the company meeting this noon ?" " Yes sir " " Why did you ran away last night? " " Because I didn't want to face ...Read More


The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 5

Chapter - 7 " Yes mummy, I have eaten some fruits before leaving for the college ", I replied extremely worried mother over the phone call as I strode hurriedly towards my economics class. " Why are you panting Kavya, you're not late right? Oh my god, don't tell me that you are late again ", my mother dramatically shrieked in dread, making me roll my eyes. To be honest, I was really late today as I overslept in the morning but it's not like I am going to tell my mother ...Read More


The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 6

Chapter -8 " Ding Dong " A loud ring of the doorbell broke my train of thoughts bringing my back into reality.My eyes widened in surprise when I noticed that the sun has fully risen, its golden rays of sunshine had spreaded themselves over the whole sky. I was so lost in thinking about that incident that I failed to notice how much time has passed. The ringing of the doorbell again boomed in my apartment and this time I immediately hurried towards the door. A small smile crept on my face as ...Read More


The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 7

Chapter -9Thump! Thump!Kavya was well aware of her heart that was thumping so loudly against her chest that she that someone might hear her wild heartbeats. She was literally shocked into immobility the moment she saw Vikram entering inside the Conference hall. Her breath got caught in her lungs when she noticed him taking a seat diagonally across her. She simply couldn't believe her eyes that Vikram is in the same room with her.The shock ...Read More


The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 8

Chapter - 10 Kavya kept quiet all the way as Kartik dragged her inside the lift and then outside the lobby.Kartik was very furious over everything that happened in the Conference Hall. Gripping Kavya's hand roughly, he kept on walking through the lobby in anger. " Owww ", Kavya hissed in pain when she accidentally bumped her leg against the corner of a glass table kept in the middle of the lobby.Kartik immediately halted and came out of his angry trance, he looked at her in concern," Hey...what happened ?"" ...Read More


The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 9

Kavya roughly parked her car in the parking lot of her apartment. Snatching the keys out of the she quickly got out of her car, closing its door with a loud bang. The loud noise made by the clicking of her heels boomed around her as she sprinted through the passageway, heading hastily towards her flat. As soon as she reached up to her flat, she instantly knocked on the door. Without even waiting for a second she again knocked on it and then kept on knocking the door, impatiently. She was well aware of her knuckles which were getting ...Read More


The Heart thats Meant to Love you - 10

(ALMOST FIVE YEARS BACK.... ) The lectures were over for the day and it was time all the students to return to their respective hostels, PG's or homes. Kavya and Kirti were heading back to their hostel, walking slower than a snail because neither of them were excited to eat the lunch prepared in the mess of their hostel. "Kirti, have you completed the assignment we got yesterday in Statistics class?", Kavya questioned thoughtfully as she recalled all the home assignments she has gotten in the last two days, somehow she has to complete all her assignments by today ...Read More