Taste Of Fear

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TASTE OF FEAR A THRILLER BY VICKY TRIVEDI Copyright © Vicky (Vinod) Trivedi This is a work of fiction. All characters, locations, and events are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical,

Full Novel


Taste Of Fear chapter 1

TASTE OF FEAR A THRILLER BY VICKY TRIVEDI Copyright © Vicky (Vinod) Trivedi This is a work of fiction. All characters, locations, and events are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 2

It was now June and the first day of the new Campus year, bringing a new start to Shyam attended the first day with anticipation of the knowledge to come, he returned home to study after gathering the requirements from the Campus. It was 2:00 PM as he sat in the study his phone began to share a song with him. He answered the call… “Hello, who is there?” “Are you Shyam?” “Yes, Shyam here but you..?” “I am Archana. Archana Sagar. You have sent me an interest on Marryme.com.” “Archana?” he wondered at first as she was placed ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 3

The exams were over Shyam had never been as busy as he had over the last fifteen days. subject of Taxation had played a great role to keep him busy. The head ‘Salary’ from Income Tax had consumed his three days. There were five holidays before the paper on Taxation. He could not sleep until 2:00 am on the previous night of Taxation paper yet the chapter ‘Transfer pricing’ was left unread. He was compelled to take tablets of Aspirin because of various yield curves under different market conditions and ‘Purchasing Power Parity’. It was the last Sunday of June and he had not spoken to Archana during ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 4

A week passed. He called Archna on Saturday but her phone was switched off. He tried many times call her but her phone remained switched off all day. He felt something was wrong. Sunday was a holiday for him. He used to run with hands of the clock from Monday to Saturday. He started to read the newspaper at 9:00 am on that Sunday but he couldn’t read much as he was restless and tense about Archana. He missed Archana and was concerned about her, unable to focus on anything else. He wondered! Is it the effect of love? Really, it was. Her phone is switched off. What happened? Did her father scold her? Was her phone forfeited? Is she not able to come online? His mind began to question possibilities. There was no possibility of being her father disagreeing he thought. A boy who isn’t handicapped is ready to accept a handicapped girl, the father should have ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 5

As the seasons birth new habits, as the winter brings a warm dress and summer cooler garb, the spring Shyam’s love had delivered to his schedule a new habit. He would wait daily for Archana’s text message or missed call as an invite to come online. He would wait until 11:00 PM, yet she normally did so by 9:00 PM should she be unable to talk or go online. Through their conversations, determined the likes and dislikes of the other. Archana’s favourite colours were blue and purple, while Shyam preferred Pink. Archana’s favourite dish was ‘Chhole Bhature’ an item of a gram and ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 6

A black Mercedes Benz with ‘New York’ number plates stood under the porch of what was regarded as a house. The night was calm and still, silence blanketed the property, not even the rustle of leaves could be heard. Moonlight glowed in the cloudless night over 42 Avenue, the mist was thick and any passer-by would be forgiven for not noticing the board with the name ‘Desouza’ in front of the bungalow. The Desouza house bore a haunted look, accentuated by the empire of bare trees surrounding it, it seemed uninhabited. People never went near that house, believing there ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 7

Sector seventeen was a beehive of activity, a myriad of khaki-clad figures ran to and fro. Some low ranked were discussing the scene, their faces painted with discomfort and uncertainty, as they stared at the open cave of a gutter. There were at least a dozen officials at the scene. A man dressed in black trousers and a white button-up shirt looked to be over forty guided them. His mature and professional demeanour instructing them, it was clear he was a specialist from the criminal investigative department, the officials followed his instructions with the utmost care. He was detective ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 8

Shyam had revealed to his mom that he was going to see Archana, he explained to her that if father should inquire, say he had gone on a trip to Goa with his friends. He left with his backpack at 5:00 pm. He was at Palanpur Railway Terminal. It was 8:00 pm and his train would arrive at 8:30 pm. Stepping onto the train he imagined how Archana would be in person, he had only seen her in video chats and photos. He was allotted the upper berth, “does she look in person?”…no, more importantly, “Will she be happy ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 9

The hues of twilight deepened into dusk as Christy slowed her car approaching the red light of the traffic she hardly noticed the bar on the corner where her car had slowed to halt. The street junction near sector seven usually experienced heavier traffic than the rest of the city. A well-attired young man, beer can in hand strode confidently towards her vehicle with measured steps. He wore a dark black shirt and blue jeans, his eyes were bright and large, he could easily be mistaken for a movie star. “Excuse me miss, I am new here, which way ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 10

Shyam awoke to a continuous knocking on the door. He opened it to find Archana, he rubbed his eyes made certain it was not the recurring dream that had seemed to cease. He let her in, then closed the door. “I am preparing a snack and some hot milk for you.” Archanas’ voice sang with the crisp freshness of morning. “It will cost us an hour, it is already 5:00 am I have to leave at 6:00, lets rather chat for the hour and I will have breakfast at the station,” proposed Shyam. Archana covered his head with her ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 11

It was the second of March. The climate of Mumbai was moderately hot with a high humidity, however, the location ensured temperatures would not fluctuate much. The thermometer displayed on the clock of Bandra station read 27.2 degrees Celsius, while the other displays exhibited arrival and departure times. Travelling on the train is always boring unless you are a child, but words like boredom and irritation did not exist in the character of Agent Malik, the type of person that could spend a year inside a black prison on a mission. Bandra was crowded, as usual, the screens flashed ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 12

Mum – Dad please forgive me, I may be wrong but my intentions are… I am going to Chandigarh settle he murmured to himself. Perhaps, his father had accepted the poem by Kahlil Gibran- Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 13

The landlord had Hindi daily the Dainik Bhaskar every day at his home. Shyam instructed the delivery boy to him a copy of the Tribune which is an English paper. He would read each ad in the Tribune classified and present for interviews. Because of his high scholastic average and involvement of tutoring, he could clear oral questions with ease but his performance at practical tests remained poor as he had no practical involvement of accounting work and he had to face a practical test on Tally. He could do correct entries of double entries of bookkeeping and accounting ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 14

July 25, 2016 Archana realised that her sector-11 was not her for her now. It was only of for a couple of days. When she moved down from the auto just ten meters far from her quarter, it was great silence and dark in spite of LED street lights. It was 12:00 of the night and at night the government quarters seemed forlorn and silent. She turned to her quarter. Her life had taken many turns in last year. She had no positive news after Shyam got a job. She cursed and moaned, “Preetu came into my home.. Not ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 15

“Hey please slow down, I am unable to walk as fast as you…” He stopped on hearing a voice turned back in the direction of the voice to find the person behind it. Shyam walked up a narrow lane, the lane ahead of him split into three. He looked around to find the voice, he saw on the left a home being built, it was lacked roof trusses and framed windows, on the right a hilly path paved originally by footsteps then laid over by concrete rolled ahead, he had cradled in his arms an infant no older than 10 months, the child was slim, yet had plump cheeks and light grey hair. ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 16

“Oh! Mommy!” The sound startled Shyam. No, the sound wasn’t of Archana, which had drawn him out his thoughts. was groaning. 11th November. Yeah! Charmi had told it is 11th November. Before two days was Archana’s birthday. Sorry, Archana. I haven’t forgotten your B-day but this time I’m unaware of the calendar, unknown about the date 9th November. I miss you Archana. He thought. Archana would also miss him. or maybe this 9th November she would have missed him to the extent. More than anything she has missed in her life. He closed his eyes to wipe out the thoughts but ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 17

Shyam’s eyes opened, found Charmi sat on the floor crossing her legs near him. Her face was fresher now. smiled at him seeing him awaken, “Good Morning.” “Morning,“ Shyam’s mind filled with sadness. Perhaps, she were Archana, he would smile at her in response, but..? “You have rested. I hope your mind will work now.” She had still the same smile on her face. “Of course! I could sleep well after many days as I was not alone in the cell. The mind is also fresh and active.” Shyam felt the vigour in his body and mind after a fast sleep and cold ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 18

“Not Propophol but propofol” Charmi taught him correct pronunciation. “ propofol is used to make anybody unconscious quickly. It a drug which starts to affect within three seconds, however, its effect lasts only for ten minutes but the kidnapper can do his work in those ten minutes. This drug is used when anybody was to be kidnapped from the crowdy place.” Charmi explained Shyam. “You mean they kidnapped me using this drug over me. But I have heard the kidnappers use chloroform. They wet handkerchief with chloroform and they winnow the handkerchief against the nose of the victim and the victim soon gets fainted.” “It is only shown in ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 19

After a slight rest, they opened the discussion further. “We followed where we are, now we should seek to out why we are here. Why have they seized us?” Charmi initiated the communication. “That is the one painful to solve.” “yes, laborious but we must.” Charmi insisted. “Does it matter who has kidnapped us and why? Once we will succeed to escape from here, we should approach the police.” Shyam stated. “We must have answers for who and why in advance. We are uncertain whether we could reach the police, in addition, even we can reach the police, we are not confirmed the ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 20

The same fellow, stout and having coloured beard with henna came in. Balbeer had a plate in his hands. time he brought only one plate. “Share the meal between you.” He placed the plate on the floor. Shyam looked at him but he didn’t speak anything. He also looked at Shyam for a moment and turned his back to Shyam. “Can I bum a fag?” Charmi voiced when he went to the door. Balbeer startled and looked back. “I’m gagging for a fag.” Charmi requested. He turned back. He drew a cigarette case from her leather jacket and took a cigarette out ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 21

Shyam didn’t wish to think anything. He felt more horrible to reflect about Preetu than labra. Labra... Labra. Preetu to mention him about her dog. She would reveal she loved the dog. Shyam was negligent the dog was a name of speaking, in fact, she liked Shyam. Shyam was still puzzled why she liked him even if she knew he loves Archana. Why she was going after him. He struggled to divert his thoughts toward the labra. Many questions remain unsolved however they are associated with your own life. “The lab is a friendly dog vis-a-vis violent. Preetu said ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 22

“Shyam… hello janab… “ “What?” Shyam came out of the thought by Charmi’s voice. “Will you show any idea the evening or will you continue thinking?” “Yes, but I am afraid whether or not it works,” Shyam replied. “Tell me. Let me see if it works.” “Hmmm, listen… The labra recognise the human by body smell. The lab recognises even his owner by clothes and body smell and the smell of perspiration in the night. We can deceive the labra if we tackle that fella and wear his clothes.” “Good, but either of us can wear his clothes and ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 23

Their waiting came to an end. They heard footsteps. Both Charmi and Shyam came in the alert. Shyam was his usual place and Charmi was a meter far from him. Shyam’s heart was beating as a diesel pump. He began to take deep breaths to overcome his thrill. The door was opened. The in-comer has a plate in his hand. He stood between Shyam and Charmi. He bent down and placed the plate on the floor. Shyam and Charmi found he was not Balbeer. At first, both startled and confused seeing him instead Balbeer but it would make no difference whether he was Balbeer ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 24

It was the headquarter of Marryme.com situated at Noida. It was on the fifth floor of a multi-stored building seven to eight block far from the west side of the river. Every legal business of the Marryme.com was carried on from here and also all the illegal businesses from the office where only some particular employees were allowed to enter. Only some special employees had permission to enter that cabin. Most of the employees working there believed the Marryme.com is a matrimonial portal but in fact, it was a mean for Victor to deal his skin trade and smuggling ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 25

Shyam stood up, with the support of the bike and sat behind Charmi as a pillion rider. His legs aching and his hand had a rising pain inside it. The light inside his eyes was fading. He was unable to sit. One of his hand was causing great pain, making his head throb with it. His right hand fumbled the seat and got a hook to get support while sitting. Charmi wasn’t riding fast, the bike was barely on the 20 km h. The road on which the bike was running was not of asphalt but of only stones and perhaps more speed wasn’t ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 26

Her eyes shone seeing the sight. She went to the bar to check if there is anyone outside. She near the bike for a while and observed. “You go inside and distract the shop owner for a while.” She returned to him and said, handing him three notes of INR 100. Shyam limped in the bar and went to the counter. “One bottle.” He said. “Which one?” “Whichever you like.” The shop owner took him as tipsy and went to showcase then Shyam heard the faint sound of a click, telling him she had broken the steering lock of a bike. The ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 27

Shyam felt cold. In a half sleep, his right hand fumbled to get his blanket but couldn’t find it. his mind, he got angry with Archana. She should close the door if she gets up early and goes to the bath. I’m feeling cold. Shyam thought. Maybe blanket would be at left side. He moved his left hand to find it and cried with pain. “What happened?” he heard a voice. “Why you keep the door open?” he shouted, “can’t you shut it before you go to bathe?” “Mister, we are in the tunnel, not in your bedroom,” Charmi ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 28

“Charmi, Tu?” The female in the Punjabi dress astonished and cheered. “Yes, it’s me. How are you?” Charmi the room. “Changa” that lady looked at Shyam, “Come in.” It was a room with ten by ten metre. The room had a bed and in the corner, beside the bed laid some utensils and a gas stove creating the virtual scene of a kitchen. Toward another corner a door suggesting it must be a toilet cum bathroom. The small room hardly has a kitchen built in it and single dweller manages with such a temporary setup of the kitchen. Shyam thought the rent must ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 29

It was eight o’clock when Charmi woke Shyam. “Shyam, get up. Gurpreet had already left for the school.” Shyam his eyes reminding the nightmares he had at night. Shyam went to the washroom to freshen himself. He had slight pain still in the thigh but he avoided painkiller. Gurpreet was not present hence they began to discuss the next planning. “You said he will be unconscious for forty-five minutes but it seemed he gone forever and police had wasted some bullet to declare him dead and criminal.” “I think so but the postmortem report will disclose the fact,” Shyam said. “The report ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 30

Charmi flashed her ID proof and booked a double bed room. Shyam knew it was a fake ID and was real in it except her picture. Man at the reception smiled warmly and said, “room number 103.” Service boy took their luggage and headed towards room 103. They followed him. The boy set their luggage in room while they flopped on sofa, exhausted. “Nine is for room service, if you need anything.” The boy said before leaving the room. As the boy left, charmi locked the door and went to the washroom. Egnoring the cold, she washed her face ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 31

When Shyam and Charmi got down the bus it was half past eight and the cold was high. Pathankot was all alone without anyone around. They left station and come out to find only Pan-parlour still opened. They reached Pan-parlour and Charmi started her acting. She gave a smile to the parlour owner who was a young man and said, “My phone has no battery. Can I use your phone, please? Shyam though Charmi’s smile was charming. The young man at parlour smiled back, still lost in her charm. “No matter, here is it.” “Papa I’m at station.” Charmi ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 32

Next morning at eight it was stll cold. The weather was clean. The sun was peeping from the cloud trying to chase the cold out. Shyam and Charmi were having breakfasts in the canteen. “Has the chief come?” Shyam asked, taking a bite of his sandwich. “Yes,” she answered, “he had come early at four. I’m coming from his office.” “What did he said?” “He wants an interrogation of you.” She said through a mouthful. “Is he doubt me?” Shyam was bewildered, “why do you doubt me?” “I think we trust you.” “Oh! I don’t think interrogation suggest your ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 33

It was two of noon and again all were in the interrogation room. “So Mr Shyam we are listening,” said, now his voice also friendly, “we are dying to know your love story.” “Okay,” Shyam said, “after Dipawali Archana shared her quarter with a college girl.” “Paying guest?” “No,” he said, “she was the daughter of her uncle’s friend.” “Detail us about her.” “Her name was Preetu. Her parents had divorced and she was with her father. She was a student at Delhi where she had some problem so her father sent to Chandigarh. All I know about her ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 34

Shyam got himself back as he entered Chamber of the chief. The chamber was big with a metal table, chairs and two big LED TV screens on the wall, right across the chair of the head. One of the screens were showing footages of the whole building, another was reading headlines from four leading new channels, that screen was divided into four section, each showing a news channel. Both the screens were muted when they entered. Charmi got a seat right across the chief. Shyam waited till the head offered him a seat, “Have a seat young man.” He ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 35

“Hey,” someone was waking him up, “why you slept in the canteen?” Shyam opened eyes, slowly to see the owner standing near him, “where am I?” he asked, still feeling dizzy. “You are in the canteen,” he answered. “What’s the time?” Shyam asked among a yawn. “Five of the morning.” “Oh! Sorry…” he apologized, “last night I came here to have a cigarette and then fell into sleep.” “It’s okay.” Canteen owner smiled, again his crooked teeth shone in the fluorescent light of bulb, “let me make tea for you.” They both smiled to each other. The whole ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 36

Next morning Shyam and Charmi were in the canteen, having their morning tea. “We have got the laptop by she started, “by tomorrow evening IT team will get all the data from it.” “Okay.” his reply was dry. “Why are you off?” she said with a pleasant smile. “I’ve never imagined all this would happen with me and I’m worried what will happen now.” “I don’t believe in Murphy's law.” she said, “Everything will be okay.” “How?” “You know we were about to die in a dark cellar and now we are in the security of Indian army. Have ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 37

December passed in search of Archana but the searching didn’t help. The special investigation team of Delhi also declared as ‘gone girl’. They closed the investigation. According to the chief, Victor would have killed Archana otherwise it’s impossible to find a girl for special investigation team. Shyam also though if Victor hadn’t killed her he would have used her as a bait to get the laptop. He had to accept Archana had gone. When Archana had entered the school campus at Deoli, she was no longer Archana. She was Surbhi. She felt it would be a wonderful place ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 38

After ten days Shyam left for Gujarat, now trained and with a licenced gun, revenge in his heart, ready face his foes. He wasn’t afraid but alert. Charmi had booked a plane ticket for Chandigarh to Ahmedabad. He now knew Charmi had tangled with him. Pathankot to Chandigarh he travelled by bus. When he reached Satara station, it was four of noon. The place where Shyam first time met his Archana. His legs stopped. He looked at the place for the last time. Wiped tears and mumbled, “Goodbye.” He never wanted to visit that place again. He kept walking. ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 39

The black van stooped at the gate of an old butcher house. it was abandoned since years. People consider unused by his owner but it wasn’t right. It was being used by Victor, not to butcher animals but his enemies, to butcher the people whom his men kidnap. Victor had his own ways to use that abandoned butcher house. Balbir got off the driver seat and went to butcher house door. It was a big shutter as you see at a big factory. Shyam also stopped car some yards away and got down with his own plan. He took ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 40

Hey, please walk slowly. I’m unable to walk so fast as you.” Shyam heard a female voice among the of girls cryings and winding up the fire in the butcher house. He couldn’t identify the voice except it was of a female. He turned back to see. He had just come out of the butcher house and was climbing hilly lane. Back to him were three ways, one leading to his right side and ending in a cottage. The second led to the left side and the third on which he was climbing with an infant of a year. ...Read More


Taste Of Fear Chapter 41 (The End)

“Where am I?” Shyam asked, his eyes scanning his surroundings. He was in four white enormous walls, a totally place for him. He heard the words but couldn’t put them together. “I can’t understand.” He whispered. Again he heard the same obscure voices. “Where am I?” he shouted. “Please, be calm.” Someone said, “Don’t be angry it makes you unconscious again.” “Where am I?” he repeated the same. “In hospital.” “Am I alive?” “The dead man asks no questions.” the man replying him smiled. “Who are you?” he asked. “I’m doctor Verma.” Was the answer. Doctor and hospital those ...Read More