The Mysterious island

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Dear readers this is my first work. Hope you read it and send me feedback in the comment box.CH.1"Preparation time"The news is every where that there is an island near Andaman and nicobar archipelago, its viper island.This island has treasure hidden treasure somewhere in it.Pirates and underworld mafias wanna get the possession of that treasure so everybody starts their preparation to get their as soon as possible.Here in India, there is a group of four young boys who are in army and from some resource they receive the information about the treasure and hence all four of them decide to

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The Mysterious Island - 1

Dear readers this is my first work. Hope you read it and send me feedback in the comment box.CH.1"Preparation news is every where that there is an island near Andaman and nicobar archipelago, its viper island.This island has treasure hidden treasure somewhere in it.Pirates and underworld mafias wanna get the possession of that treasure so everybody starts their preparation to get their as soon as possible.Here in India, there is a group of four young boys who are in army and from some resource they receive the information about the treasure and hence all four of them decide to ...Read More


The Mysterious Island - 2

Ch2. What lurks in the dark?Chooper enters into the zone and starts hovering over the jungle. From above what only be seen was only trees. Pilot of the chopper said " i cannot land the chopper the forest is so dense that you have to jump down with help of the rope.... Now take necessary stuff and jump."With that being said the pilot throws one end of the rope down and asks all four of them to jump down and wishes them for their endeavour. In the reply of that all four of them say him "thanx" and then jump ...Read More


The Mysterious Island - 3

A rabbit is running, seems like it is trying to escape the death in another scene it gets shot i am fast you see.Deep:- yes, but who has most kills so far.Arnav:- rohan bro deep's shooting skill is incomparable.Rohan:- i know, he demonstrated earlier.Aman:- we shouldn't fire for no reason, this will invite our enemies.Rohit:- why do you worry my friend, i have brought suppressers.... Put it on.Arnav:- its 2 o'clock but we don't have a clue how far do we have to walk.Rohan cries in pain and wants to rest so they stop and sit down under a ...Read More


The Mysterious Island - 4

Aman is running inside the cave, trying to reach upto his friends, just then a man fires the gun aman dodges. Seeing aman coming that way everybody else pulls him behind a short wall asks him, "what happened? Who are they?""How would i know, i am not their friend, stop asking silly questions." Says amanArnav says," yes he is right, how would he know about them?"Rohit:- ok ok fair, but now drop a plan to get rid of them.Deep:- first we need to know the exact number of people out their.At same time one of the attacker says," well, ...Read More


The Mysterious Island - 5

Arnav is running, he is trying hard to save his life from rohan's men. Rohan wants him captured. Arnav the he dark is running, he is panting and terrified of everything and he doesn't even have his friends by his side.Since he has been running for so long time he decides to catch his breath under a tree. He thinks that nobody would notice if somebody is sitting underneath the tree because it was dark everywhere.With all this thoughts in his mind he sits under a tree and as he sits he feels a hand on his solder so ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 6

All four of them begin to run towards arnav while earth behind them is sinking into the water, at same time in all chaos rohan sees arnav's friends rushing together to save him.Seeing them coming rohan says "you can't save that poor guy hahahaha. If i die he dies and with him you all die too hahaha."With that being said rohan shoots at arnav but he misses due to the shakiness of the earth but at the same time rohit shoots fir at rohan which hits him in the leg and he goes down with that sho ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 7

Aman and sonali run so fast as if they are some athlete but suddenly they collide against a broken and that giant creature that follows them now has a chance to finally tear them apart but a miracle happens when an arrow penetrates the neck of that creature and it falls down.Everybody is stunned seeing that creature going down so easily.Arnav: gosh, just one shot and goes down our death.( With mouth open)Everybody tries to find out the person who has saved them at the hands of their death. They look around but find noone there because of the ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 8

With the intention to bury agnisarp deep into the ground toy flew high in the sky and then began flew down. Toy's body fist was flamed up but no sooner could he get close to the serpent, the serpent spat fire on to toy and by grabbing him by the neck it jumped from the pit with force so immense that took toy into the sky. Toy's face was burnt but he was able to seperate himself from the grab of the serpent and somehow punched it in the face which broke his teeth."Hahaha this much you have got ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 9

John ends his story of how things had gotten out of control which turned this island into a hell.John he has written riddles that was given by the sage when he told him the story of the great fight.Deep:- ok, well can you please show us those riddles so we can atleast know what to do next?John:- here you go, carefully.Deep takes the paper and reads what it says is" find us in the north, south, east and west, trees that you see more glowing, we rest underneath it."Deep:- it says us to be seperated.Rohit:- well, lets do it.Arnav:- ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 10

Deep thinks it an end of his life so he loses hope and in his mind he has already himself dead but suddenly happens a miracle when an arrow pierce through the mouth of that gigantic beast then another arrow goes through its neck and it goes down."Well it is neck the weak spot, moreover you should have told me before going out for hunt. Well where is your partner?" Says john while panting.Deep catches his breath and says pointing at a tree to his right " he is right behind that tree across there.""Know one thing now shoot ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 11

Rohit and aman are resting but suddenly aman opens up his eyes but the thing that he sees, gives almost an heart attack. After seeing that this he seems to be unable to move his body nor could he speak but somehow he touches his shoulder to rohit's which breaks rohit's sleep."What bro? Why did you wake me up? And what happened to you?" Says rohit.No reply comes from aman. He is still in shock. So rohit shakes his body hardly but it doesn't put much effect on him so he slaps him twice which brings aman back into ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 12

Both john and deep move on after dealing with the snake on the other side sonali and arnav are moving slowly. They are walking with paying full attention to their surroundings."How far east we have to go? Why didn't the glowing tree show up yet?" Sonali says."Don't get irritated, we will reach there soon." Arnav says"This place looks so spooky and I don't like such places." Says sonali"Yes you are right this place is absolutely spooky." Says arnav"I never wanted to come here, but i was insisted to come to this damn treasure hunt and now i am stuck ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 13

It is dark and rohit and aman are still moving. Now, they want to reach to the destination as as possible. Darkness is not allowing them to see properly yet they are moving. Tiredness can clearly be seen in the faces of both men yet they are moving. Suddenly they notice a ray of light coming from a little distance away. So they move forward to see the source of light and when they reach to the place where the light was coming from they become surprised as now they can see the glowing tree.Now all they have to do ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 14

Deep and Aman both are so close to get to their destination yet it seems so far away as are struggling to fight a cuck of leeches. They dont have a clue how to deal with them yet they move on. Somehow they reach near the tree but as they reach near it they feel that leeches are going off their bodies deep thinks they are finally going but he is wrong they left so they could merge to form a gigantic one. Seeing that huge giant john says wish I had never come here. It is getting harder and harder ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 15

So now finally deep and john are free to go back to the dwelling place of john as they secured the remnants of HARINIs son. John- finally we are free to go.Deep- yes but dont be happy so early.John- it is a matter to be happy bro.Deep- I know that but we still have a lot of work to do.John- we will get every single work done as soon as possible.Deep- I also hope so bro.On the other hand now arnav and sonali have also reached near the glowing tree. See arnav there is the glowing tree that we have been ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 16

By the next morning every member from the group reaches to the dwelling place of john and last members reach there are sonali and arnav. By the time sonali and arnav reach there other members have planned to welcome them. Sometimes later sonali and arnav arrive there and as they enter into the room, the members already present in the welcomes them with a song and celebrate their reunion.They look happy to see each other again. All members are tired yet they are happy with having each other back alive.Rohit- I never thought we would make it back. Deep- yes it ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 17

With the break of the new dawn rohit wakes up and wakes up others too. its time to go enough seeing dreams now return to the reality says rohit to everybody sleeping there.Hearing his voice aman and others wake up from their slumber. oh I was seeing a beautiful and romantic dream. Rohit you are such a menace. Says arnav.Everybody asks you were watching what?oohh I was watching what you all heared? says arnav.Who was that unlucky, you were with in your dream? asks deep. A beautiful girl with long hair, full valour and courage. I was so happy ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 18

The place you wished for is right in front of you says the shadow. Everything is so dark that is very hard to see anything still since the shadow knows the place well he is the only person who could find and recognise the place properly.The place is covered with trees and bushes. The temple is also dark from inside that no light could reflect.but where is it? asks amandont worry come with me, I will take you in. says the shadow Everybody follows his words and start following him soon the shadow blows air with his mouth which removes ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 19

From the middle of all four sons comes out a divine goddess who is levitating in the air and out her sons name one by one then says, my beloved sons, I have been wait for you all this time. Your lose at that time broke me from inside that destroyed whatever I ever built but now when I have finally found you back I will remake all that I destroyed at my will, but before that I want to say thank to those people who helped me get you all back.Then goes the shadow near harini and bows ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 20

And besides this time dont you do the mistake of underestimating us, we are not the same guys as had encountered ages ago. This time you are going to see the other side of us which will surprise you for sure. Says manjarihe is blind my children he has always been. A corrupt can never understand words of a wise man. He will always act as his rotten mind says him to do. Says harini aaahhh enough of you, you biddy woman. Your sweet voice is really annoying. I have come here not to here you but to destroy you ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 21

whatever the outcome will be you have impressed, you are interesting guy says agnisharphe will not survive my strike. toybeat it, and do something to end my curiosity. Says the unknown manSo be prepared for the wrath of toy you runt. Says toyAs toy finishes his words he stomp his feet on the ground and fly to the direction of the mist then hit the cover of the mist with the miner blow which shatters the cover into thousand peaces but the miner was so effective that it shook the earth. Now out of the mist comes out a ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 22

what is this place I cant move and can barely talk? What kind of trick is this I dont What have you done? says manjari hah this is where your demise is written. A place where no one can come without my permission besides, here, you can die peacefully. Says kalagnithis place is suffocating me. If you are man enough to fight me then pick a place where we both are comfortable to do the combat. well if you are god enough then fight me here, and show me how much of a godly power you coward, I will fight ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 23

Wow I didnt know you have become so powerful that you defeated kaalagni so easily. It is interesting. But all this effort will soon go in vain when I come down on the battle ground. Says agnisharpYou have done enough agnisharp now your time is going to over soon you know. Says hariniPut him down here. Says toy (they put him against a broken wall.)I think we should start what you have come here for because all this, is boring me now and I want this over as soon as possible. All these tricks that you and your stooge ...Read More


The Mysterious island - 24

I am ready mother, and here I go. Says harinis transformed sonHe flies into the sky and he finds in a red looking planet from where two suns can be seen.He lands on the surface of the planet where he finds his brother manjari in a bad condition. He looked as if he was about to die.You have to pay for this. Says transformed son of harini while looking at his brother.Well whoever you are you aint gonna live long but first let me finish my job then I will take care of you. Says agnisharp(he moves forward to ...Read More