ત્રણ હાથનો પ્રેમ

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સ્વદેશની લાલ રંગની “ચામાસાટો” મોટર સાઈકલ એસ.જી.રોડના સપાટ આર.સી.સી. રોડ ઉપર પૂરપાટ જઈ રહી હતી. ગુજરાતી ડાયરાના કોઈ ગઢવી ઉપમા આપવા પર ઉતરી આવે તો એવુ કહે કે સૌરાષ્ટ્રના કોઈ રજવાડા નો યુવરાજ પોતાની લાખેણી કાઠીઆવાડી ઘોડી ઉપર રણમેદાન ઉપર શત્રુઓનો બંને બાજુ સોથ વાળતો વેગવંતી ગતિ થી જઈ રહ્યો હતો.

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ત્રણ હાથનો પ્રેમ (ભાગ-1)

સ્વદેશની લાલ રંગની “ચામાસાટો” મોટર સાઈકલ એસ.જી.રોડના સપાટ આર.સી.સી. રોડ ઉપર પૂરપાટ જઈ રહી હતી. ગુજરાતી ડાયરાના કોઈ ગઢવી આપવા પર ઉતરી આવે તો એવુ કહે કે સૌરાષ્ટ્રના કોઈ રજવાડા નો યુવરાજ પોતાની લાખેણી કાઠીઆવાડી ઘોડી ઉપર રણમેદાન ઉપર શત્રુઓનો બંને બાજુ સોથ વાળતો વેગવંતી ગતિ થી જઈ રહ્યો હતો. ...Read More


Tran Hath no Prem Part-2

સ્વદેશ ઘડી બે ઘડી તો અવાચક જ થઈ ગયો. રાજમોહન કાકા આ શું કહી રહ્યા છે ? હજુ તો સુદર્શના ના અકસ્માતના ખબર ની કળ વળી ન હતી. ત્યાં આ બીજો આધાત હતો. તેનુ મગજ આ સમાચારો સાંભળી શુનમનસ્યક થઈ ગયુ હતુ “અકસ્માત” ? તેની સુદર્શના નો અકસ્માત અને તેય હત્યાનો પ્રયાસ? કોઈ શા માટે સુદર્શનાની હત્યાનો પ્રયાસ કરે? તેની સાથે કોઈ ને શું વેર હોઈ શકે?” “ના,ના આવુ કદાપી ન બની શકે” આ કોઈ હેરાનગતી કરવાના ઉદ્દેશ્ય થી કરેલ કોલ હશે” તેનુ મન આ સમાચાર સ્વિકરાવા કે માનવા જ તૈયાર ન હતું. ...Read More


Tran Hath no Prem Part-3

સ્વદેશ સીડી ઉપર રીતસર ફલાંગો મારતો બીજે માળે પહોંચી ગયો દૂરથી તેણે જોયુ તો ડોક્ટર અને એક નર્સ રાજમોહન ઉભા હતા અને ધીમા અવાજે તેમને કાંઈક કરી રહ્યા હતા. તેમના ચહેરા ઉપર ચિંતા દેખાતી હતી, એક દર્દીના સ્વાસ્થ્યની ચિંતા અને ઉચાટ. ઘણા ડોક્ટરો દર્દીની પરિસ્થિતી ગમે તેટલી ગંભીર કે જીવલેણ હોય તો પણ નિર્લેપ રહી શકે છે. તેઓ આને વ્યવસાયીક કાર્ય અંતર્ગત ઘટના ગણતા હોય છે. અને અમારે તો આવુ રોજનું થયુ સમજીને તેની કોઈ અસર પોતાના ઉપર થવા દેતા નથી. જયારે ઘણા ડોક્ટરો દર્દીને પોતાના સ્વજન જેવા જ ગણીને તેમના સુખે સુખી અને દુઃખે દુઃખી થાય છે. દર્દીની સાથે સાથે તેમના પરિજનોની તકલીફો પણ તેઓ સમજે છે અને તેમની ચિંતા કે ઉચાટમાં ભાગીદાર બને છે. ...Read More


Tran Hath no Prem Chapter-4

બીજી બાજુ સુદર્શનાની પરિસ્થિતી પણ સ્વદેશ જેવી જ હતી તેની આખી રાત સ્વદેશના વિચારોમાં જ વિતી ગઈ હતી સ્વદેશનું તેની છટા, તેનું સ્ત્રી દાક્ષણીય તેની આંખો સામે છવાઈ રહ્યુ હતુ. વચમાં વચમાં એક બે વાર જ્યારે તેની આંખો મિંચાઈ ગઈ ત્યારે પણ સ્વપ્નમાં સ્વદેશ જ હતો. તેને ખબર જ પડતી ન હતી કે તેને શું થઈ ગયુ છે. સ્વદેશનું નામ લેતાજ તેના આખા શરિરમાં લજ્જાની લહેર દોડી જતી હતી. આંખો શરમના ભારથી ખૂલતી જ ન હતી. હોઠો ઉપર સ્મિત, ગાલ ઉપર લાલાશ આવી જઈ રહી હતી. ...Read More


Tran Hath no Prem Chapter-5

This is a love story thriller about two young lovers. Swadesh and Sudarshana in which swadesh stands by sudarshana a rock even when her one hand is amputed due to a car accident arranged by someone who wants to kill her.who is this perpetrator Both swadesh and sudarshana risk their lives and love to catch the killer. ...Read More


Trun haath no prem-chapter 6

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strength of love when swadesh stands by her Sudarshana inspite of her one hand gettnig amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.The story is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like Truth. ...Read More


Trun haath no prem chapter -7

This is a romantic love story cum suspense thriller.This is about strenght of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarsana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.The story is about rock like resolve of one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetraors who attempted to kill her. But LOVE always truimphs in the end like truth. ...Read More


Trun haath no prem-chapter 8

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strengh of love when Swadesh stands by love Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.The story is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Trun haath no prem -chapter 9

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenght of love when Swadesh stands by her Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.The story is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Trun Haath no prem-chapter 10

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenght of love when swadesh stands by his sudarsana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.The is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimps in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Gujratinovel - Trun haath no prem

This is a romantic love story cum suspense thriller.This is about strenghth of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting ampute due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.The story is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Trun haath no prem 12

Ths is a romantic love story cum suspense thriller.This is about strenghth of love when swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.The story is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Trun haathno prem-ch.13

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenght of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH ...Read More


Trun haathno prem-ch 14

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strength of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Trun haathno prem-ch 15

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenth of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of of a beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attemted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Trun haathno prem-ch.16

This is a romantic love story cum suspense thriller.This is about strenth of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOV always truimphs in end like TRUTH ...Read More


Trun haathno prem-ch.17

This is a romantic cum suspense thriller.This is about strenth of love when Swadesh stands by his love Sudarshana of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in end like TRUTH. ...Read More


TRun haathno prem ch 18

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenth of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


Trun haath noprem-ch.19

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenth of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH. ...Read More


ch-20 Trun haathno prem

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenth of love when swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue rlentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimps in the end like TRUTH ...Read More


Trun haath noprem ch 21

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenth of love when Swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue relentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimphs in the end like TRUTH ...Read More


Trun haathno prem ch 22

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenth of love when swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue rlentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimps in the end like TRUTH Tags : ...Read More


Trun haathno prem ch 23

This is a romantic love story cum suspence thriller.This is about strenth of love when swadesh stands by his Sudarshana inspite of her one hand getting amputed due to an attempt on her life by a car accident.This is also about rock like resolve of a one handed beautiful girl and her devoted lover who persue rlentlessly the perpetrators who attempted to kill her.But LOVE always truimps in the end like TRUTH Tags : ...Read More