Revenge of the Ghost

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This is a story about a nice small city named Vikramnagar. This city is named after the king who had ruled the city centuries ago. The name is Vikramnagar. The city is situated at the foothills of the Himalayas. It is an extremely beautiful and picturesque city. The beauty of nature is scattered almost in each and every atom of sand, water and air over here. This city has many temples and has an impressive mythological background. It is a saying in this city that Lord Shiva is the guardian of this city. It was around 11 pm. The

New Episodes : : Every Tuesday & Friday


Revenge of the Ghost - 1

This is a story about a nice small city named Vikramnagar. This city is named after the king who ruled the city centuries ago. The name is Vikramnagar. The city is situated at the foothills of the Himalayas. It is an extremely beautiful and picturesque city. The beauty of nature is scattered almost in each and every atom of sand, water and air over here. This city has many temples and has an impressive mythological background. It is a saying in this city that Lord Shiva is the guardian of this city. It was around 11 pm. The ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 2

The whole area was cordoned as they were waiting for the forensic unit. As it was late, they were to take some time to come. Due to the remote area and a smaller number of crimes in the vicinity most of the time the forensic department used to have ample amount of free time. But the head of the department Satya Chakravarti is an industrious girl. She is just 27 years of age but too mature in comparison to her age. She always keeps herself busy in researching the old cases getting connected to the forensic science research groups ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 3

Both Ravindra and Satya reached the accident scene at the same time. The car was completely cold now. Ravindra Satya and they both greeted each other and Ravindra asked her about the report. She said her team is working on that round the clock and she will send the report by the end of the day today. Ravindra asked her about the purpose of the visit. She said that she could not explain it, but something had been eating her mind since yesterday. Satya said let me explain. She opened the car door from the driver’s side and asked ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 4

Ravindra woke up at 7 am. First thing he did that he checked his phone for any update on car owner. The message he hoped for was not there. He got ready and went to the police station at 10 am. As soon as he entered his cabin and took a seat, he called the constable. The constable came in by seeking his permission and saluted Ravindra with a smile on his face as if he had cracked the case wide open. The constable said sir the owner of the car was Hemantbhai Sagar. And added that he lived ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 5

Satya and Ravindra both were shocked. They stared each other trying to process they just witnessed. It was a scene. Satya wanted to speak something, but her brain was just frozen. She stammered and said,’ Ravindra who could do something like this’. This is a heinous act. Ravindra nodded and said, ‘In my entire career I have not seen anything like this before’. Satya agreed without saying anything. Her tongue lost words and she could not say anything. She was still shivering like the aftereffects of the shock. Forensic team finished their examination and they moved out. One of ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 6

Ravindra came back to Satya who was still shaking by the horrors of the most gruesome scene she had ever. Ravindra held her hand and walked towards his jeep. Nobody dared to speak a word as the silence was very loud. Ravindra and Satya reached to Satya’s home. He looked at Satya and asked, ‘Don’t stay alone tonight. Call any of your friend.’ Satya said, ‘I don’t have any friend who can support me. And she dared to ask, ‘Can you please stay here tonight? I do not want to be alone. Ravindra nodded and they went into her ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 7

‘He was the driver of Suraj Sinh.’ This line was being hammered in Ravindra’s mind since last 3 hours. the mobile rang, and he came out of that trance. It was Satya. He picked up and said, ‘what is the post-mortem report?’ Satya said, ‘the reason is heavy blood loss. He was cut at many places and died a very painful death. My initial judgement was, he was cut using some sort of metal claws. But to my surprise, there was no residue of metal or anything.’ Ravindra interrupted and asked, ‘then what was used to have scars like ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 8

The rest of the day was passed without anything unusual. Ravindra was busy in his routine work after Satya the station. It was 7 pm and suddenly Ravindra felt a hunch in his gut that there is something bad about to happen. The thought took the shape of a firm doubt and the door of his cabin was flung open. The constable came in with a horror-struck face and told sir, ‘Gayatri Maa was murdered in her own home.’ Ravindra’s heart missed a beat. He just stood up from his chair and almost mechanically followed the constable towards his ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 9

Ravindra was thinking very hard to establish a link among these murders. The strange part about all these murders there was no murder weapon and there was no clear motive for murder. Apart from that modus operandi was different in every murder. This ruled out serial killing. But Ravindra’s gut feeling was so strong that he believed there is some invisible link among all these cases. Satya stormed in the cabin and Ravindra’s chain of thoughts was broken and he looked a bit startled. Satya just picked up the glass of water and gulped a huge amount of water. ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 10

‘Stop following me or everyone will die.’ This statement was written on the front glass of the jeep. Nobody ever faced anything like this, so nobody moved an inch and just stayed stunned at their respective places. To add to their fear, the blood written text was melting as if it were acid. There were letter holes in the glass and still small fumes were coming out it. This was supernatural. Ravindra never believed in such things but it was now difficult to deny. Satya was in complete trans and unable to speak anything. Ravindra was still trying to ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 11

Heat of cold wave??? Something strange. But Ravindra and Satya were experiencing something extremely unbelievable. The entire room was but the body temperatures were rising as if both were burning from inside. Then the entire room started to spin, both were blown away by the speed. Satya was screaming Ravindra, ‘Save me. Save me. Save me.’ Ravindra was in the far side of the room and Satya was in the other corner of the room barely trying to hang on the handle of an opened door of the cupboard. Ravindra was stuck between the sofa and the wall which ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 12

After some time, the door was opened automatically and the shadow with red eyes appeared in the room. The was a deformed human figure but without the body and hollow appearance, it looked like a shadow of smoke. It looked very very angry. It said, ‘I told you to stop. But you did not. Now pay the price.’ The ghostly hollow body targeted Satya and started to suffocate Satya. Satya was coughing and a torrent of tears was there from both her eyes. Her entire face turned red and she was dying. Her throat was fiercely being strangled by ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 13

Ravindra wrote the first encounter with all the possible details he could remember from last night. He wrote every detail. The first encounter suggested that the ghost wanted to terrify him so that he could not pursue the case. The accident, the message written on the glass were ways to send that message loud and clear. But then why the second warning the same night??? What could be the reason for the same? Why did the ghost warn him twice? He sat on the chair again and started to relive the entire event happened at Satya’s house. The ghost ...Read More


Revenge of the ghost - 14

Ravindra was a man of science. So, his mind was still trying to find a possible explanation what he in last couple of days. He was partially convinced that it might be the ghost, but he needed something more. And that is the reason, he wanted to do more research and inquiries around the village to have a concrete idea about what is going on in the village. Who is actually behind all these gruesome murders? He was convinced a couple of days back that ghosts do exist. And now after a long thought, he was having second thoughts ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 15

Ravindra and Satya stayed that way for some time. Then they both got out of the houses. Ravindra dropped at the library and he went to the police station to iron out a wrinkle. Upon reaching the police station, he called his constable and to bring all the pictures from all the crime scenes. He started to look very minutely at each and every photo. Almost after half an hour, he found what he was looking for. Early in the morning, when he was recreating the crime scenes sequentially, he flashed on something. There was an old man he ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 16

Satya was not there. Ravindra screamed his lungs out but no answer. There was no sign of struggle. He everywhere and asked people passing by. But no one had seen her. His world collapsed and his heart sank. He was warned multiple times by the ghost, but he did not listen and probably Satya paid the price for that. His entire mind just froze, and he could not think what to do next. He felt something warm on his face and he realised that he was crying. Tears too screaming her name but in their own language which was ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 17

Ravindra felt heavy pain on his chest. He felt like someone was sitting on his chest and his ribs being crushed and he could hear the crackling sound. He was trying to breathe, and his heart was pounding like a racehorse. Every cell in his body was trying to fight the battle of life as every passing second, the life was being drained out of him. He was near his flashpoint and he applied all the remaining force, and he clasped the neck of the attacker. Suddenly the entire room was filled by a loud sharp noise. The nurse ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 18

An unknown number was being flashed on Satya’s phone. Ravindra dithered for a minute and then he picked up call. Ravindra said, ‘Hello. Who is this?’ The caller said his name was Ramnarayan Shashtri. And he was called by Satya in connection with some ongoing inquiry about a case. Ravindra sighed and replied, ‘Shashtriji, she is in the hospital and I am the investigating officer of that case. We were attacked last night and now she is in the hospital. She seems physically alright, but she is not speaking anything and unable to identify anyone.’ The voice of Shashtriji ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 19

The jeep started towards the temple but Shashtriji looked worried. He kept on looking around while Ravindra was driving. looked a bit calmer, but his insides were boiling with anger or might be grief of losing Satya. He wanted to wail as hard as he could, but he needed to be calm to save Satya. There was a turn ahead and Ravindra slowed the jeep. As soon as he took the turn, he saw a little girl standing in the middle of the road and crying vehemently. Ravindra stopped the jeep and both were out to check. Suddenly a ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 20

The talisman was in her hand. Shashtriji immediately looked at Ravindra and the talisman was not there in his He was hypnotized by the ghost and he just started to walk towards the ghost. Shashtriji quickly jumped out the jeep and ran after him. While running he drew a circle of salt around Ravindra and sat on the ground. Shashtriji started to chant holy mantras and this time he pulled out a bottle filled with holy water and a small trident blessed by the Lord Shiva. Ravindra was stuck inside the circle and could not move out of it. ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 21

Hello Readers, Sorry for this long delay. But I was in some personal crisis and was unable to concentrate my writing due to this pandemic and everything around it. I hope everybody is fine and safe. It was a small hut. It was cordoned by a hedge. They were not aware, but two eyes were on them and were observing them very closely. The moment both were near the hedge, a large black dog jumped at them very fiercely. Ravindra and Shashtriji were taken aback and could not understand what happened for a fraction of second. Shashtriji looked straight ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 22

Baba continued, ‘Surajsinh became the unquestioned, uncontrollable, ruthless leader of the village. His goons kept eyes and ears everywhere any sign of trouble was dealt with utmost force and cruelty. He had decapitated many who opposed him or sometimes even worse, he had his right-hand Manusinh let torture the people anyway he wanted. Manusinh was a soulless criminal. He used to inflict immense amount of pain to anyone who crosses path with him or upon orders from his master Surajsinh. The business of supplying girls was booming and Surajsinh was minting more money then, he could count. There was ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 23

Baba said, ‘Shyam gathered all the courage he had and went to the well to fetch water. He fetched water for the plants, and nothing happened. He felt happy and went home. Nothing much happened for a week. Shyam forgot that incident and started to work regularly without any fear. One such day, he was working in his little farm, and he heard a faint cry nearby. He immediately looked around but found no one. Still the sound was there. Someone was crying her soul out. Shyam walked towards the well to check the origin of the sound. The ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 24

Shankarbaba stood up immediately and told Ravindra to stay there and went out. Ravindra felt a sudden chill and realized that the ghost was there. He ran out despite of Shankarbaba’r order. As he came out, he just could not believe his eyes and almost turned to statue when he saw the most horrific scene of his entire life. It was noon but it was dark outside. There were no clouds, but it was raining as Ravindra felt some droplets on his face. When he checked a droplet with his fingers, it was blood and he got scared to ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 25

The mystery man with Shankarbaba lifted Ravindra in his awfully big hands and took him inside the hut. He Ravindra on the ground and Shankarbaba drew a circle of some powder around Ravindra. Shashtriji inquisitively looked at Shankarbaba upon that action. Baba said, ‘this is the holy powder made up by my Guruji which can create a protective circle which cannot be penetrated by any evil spirit.’ Then Baba set on his elevated place and started meditation. Shashtriji sat near the circle and kept a close eye at Ravindra. The mystery man was as usual nowhere to be found. ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 26

Baba continued, ‘Shyam was an expert in hand-to-hand combat, but there was a question of weapons. Surajsinh’s men were automatic and deadly weapons to protect the shipment. Shyam was capable to handle the goons of Surajsinh but without the firepower he did not have any leverage over those people. So, Shyam decided to take help of his best friend Rupeshsinh. Rupeshsinh was an ex-army man and had a long-range rifle too. Shyam made up his mind and went to convince Rupeshsinh whom he used to call Rupa. Shyam knew at that time Rupa would be in his farm. Shyam ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 27

Shankarbaba stopped for a while to drink water. It was midnight and he needed rest. Baba could see the in its wildest form in Ravindra’s eyes, but he needed rest too. As everyone was in tremendous stress and Baba did not want to add any more stress in the form of extreme fatigue. He stepped up and asked them very mildly to sleep in the set beds for them. Ravindra and Shashtriji were amazed to see those ready to sleep beds as there was nothing there before a while. Nobody moved an inch but still there were beds. Ravindra ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 28

Baba continued without taking a break as he was able to feel the impatience around him. Ravindra was losing mind and if he did not get any answer soon about his beloved Satya, it would be a huge problem for him. Baba said, ‘Surajsinh and Manoharsinh reached the place near to the well. It was completely motionless. There was no one there. They opened the door and stepped inside. They saw Manusinh and he was very angry at his men and was beating them mercilessly. When he stopped, he saw both. Surajsinh waved him. He came and told he ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 29

The entire hut was filled with curiosity as the story narrated by Shankarbaba was about to take a gruesome Suddenly there was a police siren, and everybody was shocked to hear that as that hut was quite unknown to most of the people around the village. But to Shankarbaba’s surprise the jeep was there and a few constables were there in the jeep too. The constable almost jumped out of the jeep and ran towards the hut but to his surprise he was greeted by the most dangerous dog he could ever possibly see. The dog jumped at the constable and constable fell. ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 30

Baba started to walk towards the jeep and to his surprise before Ravindra and his team could step out the jeep. The jeep was pulled up in the air by some unknown but very devilish strong force. The jeep was still, but in the air around 20 feet high. The ghost appeared under the jeep and said, ‘Baba go away from here and save yourself. You cannot save anyone now. I kept you distracted for 15 days and now I am more powerful than you. You cannot save anyone. I will exert my revenge over these people and if you ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 31

Ravindra’s efforts were in vain. He could not free himself from that deadly grasp. He was calling for help his words died in his mouth, and nothing came out apart from gushes of air. He was trying hard, but he could not reach the side mirror and as soon as he reached that mirror, he broke it, and that sound directed the attention towards him. Shashtriji saw that and chanted some mantras and blew air from his mouth after opening the fist of his right hand. And Ravindra got free from that deadly clench of the ghost. He gathered ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 32

Baba fell very hard on the tree behind him and hurt himself at various places. Shashtriji was on the so he was also thrown back but not like Baba. Ravindra saw that but could not do much as he was still 30 feet high in the air and there was no way that he could climb down. Baba fainted after a while and now there was only Shashtriji left to fight the ghost. The ghost laughed hysterically and asked Shashtriji, ‘Do you want a death like him or do you want to run away and save your life?’ Shashtriji ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 33

Baba was dead and his dead body was cut into half very brutally. The ghost won and was laughing and was saying, ‘I told you, not to cross my path, not to cross my path. But still you did, and you paid the price with your life Baba. Now who will save your beloved Ravindra from my deadly claws.’ Ravindra saw that entire scene and his heart sank as he started to respect Baba very much and he was feeling very helpless as Baba was murdered very cruelly right in front of him, but he could not do much ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 34

Shashtriji somehow managed to reduce the speed at which the jeep falling and managed to save everyone in the Ravindra’s heart was crushed heavily and he just hugged Shashtriji like a child and cried his heart out. He had lost every drop of hope. Baba was no more, and he could not find any way out of that situation. They both stayed like that for a while and then gathered enough amount of courage to take a look at Baba’s body. But there was a surprise waiting for them. There was no body over there. There were patches blood ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 35

Liver = Lever – correction. Ravindra got startled and taken aback as the nearby big round stone creaked heavily a small crack started to appear in the middle of the round stone. Ravindra did not check the phone as he was very anxious and alert as the crack was getting wider and wider as if it were a door. All the senses of Ravindra were being beamed on that crack and he was very alert for any unwelcomed circumstances. His phone rang again, he knew it would be from his Police Station, but he decided to ignore. As his ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 36

Hello guys, and I sincerely apologize for being late in publishing the next part of this story. But I stuck in some important things at work and could not find time for the same. But I promise to publish a part every week from now onwards. The sound of chanting grew higher and higher creating a completely mystical environment which made everyone stuck to the land they were standing on. Shankarbaba’s body which was covered in thick paste was now covered with some sort of green fog which made things quite unclear for Ravindra and Shashtriji to have a ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 37

Baba took a pause before starting again as he knew that it was too much for everyone to handle. ghost was too powerful to handle alone, and Baba needed Ravindra to his full strength. For Ravindra to retain his full strength, his Satya was needed there. But that was not currently possible. Hence, Baba had to replenish the heart of Ravindra with the hope of finding Satya safe and sound. Baba stared Ravindra with most possible kindness in his eyes and said, ‘Ravindra, your Satya is safe for now and no need to worry about her. As long as ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 38

Baba needed to rest for a while. Nagesh helped Baba to lie down and then he sat down in of the corners. Ravindra and Shashtriji just sat quietly as it was peaceful after a havoc in their lives. They needed some rest too, but they could not till the time they found Satya and how everything was related to the murders and the ghost. As usual there were many questions, but not answers and the journey took many twists and turns till that day. Half an hour passed and during that half an hour there was not a single ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 39

Sonal went quickly like a bullet as she knew she was late and Shyam would not like it. Shyam her very madly and that made him a bit possessive about her. Shyam never liked when he was at home and Sonal was not. Sonal knew that this was pure love and nothing else as Shyam loved her with all his heart and their daughter was the apple of their eyes. Without her their entire world was nothing. As soon as Sonal left the corner of the temple, Gayatri’s lips were covered with a crooked smile. The plan was set ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 40

‘Sonal was not aware of the dangerous web being woven around her. She was a very innocent lady, and entire world was her family. Her husband and her daughter. She slowly started to fell for the trap laid by Gayatri. Gayatri met her the very next day and this time she was waiting for her arrival at the temple. Sonal reached there and she too was slightly eager to meet her. Both saw each other and waved. Gayatri was looking very beautiful, and she wore a gorgeous saree. Being a woman, Sonal was impressed by her dressing and ornaments. ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 41

Ravindra stormed out of that little opening and rushed towards his jeep very quickly. He started the jeep. It almost morning. The sun was about to be seen at the horizon. There was a picturesque beauty all around Ravindra, but his mind was somewhere even to notice something other than his beloved Satya. It was two weeks since he last saw her. Ravindra’s mind was flooded with her sweet memories. Her beautiful round innocent energetic face. Her smile was the purest form of happiness. Her feather soft touch could heal any pain or agony. Ravindra was missing her badly ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 42

The constable got cold feet when he could not figure out what he just saw. His favourite sir’s eyes turned crimson red for a fraction of second and that site was evil. The constable got his tongue locked and even forgot to breathe or blink. Ravindra passed him and that constable’s heart rate rocketed. He was fear struck and stunned. It took a while before he came to his senses. He knew something was going on around the Police station and this case was not normal. There was something supernatural about that, but he could not put his finger ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 43

Baba stepped out of the car with an energy of a youngster. Nagesh was surprised to see that energy But it was not an energy burst it was a nagging feeling about Ravindra’s safety and adrenaline rush which pumped Baba’s blood with an energy burst. Baba walked towards fainted Ravindra and asked everyone to give them some space. Baba checked for the talisman, and he felt a deep shock to his guts as it was not there. Ravindra was in grave danger and in his current situation no doctor could help him. The ambulance arrived at the gate. Constables ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 44

Nagesh drove like a maniac, and they reached within a thin stretch of time. Shashtriji and Nagesh lifted Baba Ravindra one by one and took them in that secret and sacred chamber. Once they reached inside, they both let out a sigh of relief. Now they were completely safe as the entire area was safeguarded by all the possible runes, talismans, and sacred symbols/hymns. Shashtriji checked pulse of both, and they were steady, but both were unconscious. They couldn’t do much till the time Baba comes out of the unconsciousness. Nagesh was sitting in a corner praying and chanting ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 45

Hello, my lovely and very supportive readers, I was unable to write the episodes as planned due to my I was down with multiple issues was unable to use my hands. Hence, I was not able to type any new episodes since a long period of time. But I promise that from now onwards every week I will post a new episode of this novel. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind support. Mahabali was still chanting some mantras loudly and the mirror in which Ravindra’s image was being captured started to glow. Ravindra was ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 46

Ravindra felt rejuvenated and fresh after a long time, he was for some time tension free in the vicinity two great souls. Nagesh and Shashtirji were recovered too. Ravindra didn’t remember anything but deep down his heart he knew that he did something terrible. Ravindra folded his hands and asked for forgiveness using the oldest language on the Earth. The language of silence, the language of eyes where eyes could express everything. Every inch of Ravindra’s eyes was sorry, and he was so overwhelmed that he could not utter a single word to anyone. He just kept staring at ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 47

Mahabali smiled and that smile had a deep meaning. The meaning which was known only to Mahabali and no else. Mahabali was able to foresee which was not possible for anyone else to even think of. The Sun was still rising on the east. The birds were leaving their nests and the entire jungle just woke up from a deep sleep. The carpet of darkness was being evaporated atom by atom by the Sun’s rays. Everyone else was still in deep sleep in the hut. Mahabali ensured that everything was alright in the hut and then he decided something ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 48

The prayer was magical, and everybody was in a trance in a never-ending loop of tranquillity. The prayer was but still no one opened their eyes. Their brains never registered that the prayer was over. Mahabali opened the eyes and looked at everyone. He felt happy seeing that everyone was calm and with energy to fight any evil. But deep down his heart he knew that it was quite a daunting task because the enemy was an extremely powerful evil. The atoms of air in the room were silent and there was absolutely zero movement from anyone. Mahabali coughed ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 49

Baba continued without any break as he knew deep down his heart that he had to finish the story soon as possible to have any chance of saving Satya. He knew that the further delay would be mortal for Satya. He never said this to Ravindra, but he feared that very much but the only thing now in favour was Mahabali’s presence as it changes the entire scenario. ‘Sonal woke up with a firm desire to go to any length to help Gayatri. Actually, Sonal is a very innocent girl and first time she is feeling responsible for an ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 50

Baba continued the final and most gruesome chapter of Sonal’s life. He knew that it was important for Ravindra know the entire story as that was the only clue to find his beloved Satya back to his arms safe and sound. ‘Sonal was quite happy due to her litter adventure as other wise her life was a bit on boring side. Her entire life revolved around her family. Her husband the apple of her eye her daughter. She could not think anything else. Gayatri was eagerly waiting as her bait was there already and she did not want to ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 51

Baba felt his throat choked with emotions. A hot but sad torrent of tears kept on flowing for a Mahabali walked to Baba and put his hand on his head and tried to calm Baba down. Baba closed his eyes and tried deep breathing. Nagesh brought a glass of water for Baba. After a while Baba calmed down and start the story again. ‘Surajsinh had some cruel plans in his dirty mind. He kept the daughter of Surajsinh chained on a chair in a very far corner of the hall thus she was unable to see anything, and she ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 52

Baba’s eyes were filled with tears and a constant torrent of warm tears were continuously flowing down through the and wetting the lap of Baba. Every single heart in that room cried but silently still the sound was so loud that everyone was able to hear the screams of that pain. Baba couldn’t speak for a while and Ravindra brought a glass of water for him. He was unable to speak as the eyes were exchanging the thoughts and there was no place of words in that dark moment. Baba started again as this was the critical part of ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 53

Baba’s face was painted with deep trouble. He knew deep down his heart that something was not right. Something dark was lurking around the corner and he was desperate to stop that. But deep down his heart there was a war going on whether to stop what was going to happen or to let it happen. Was it a poetic justice? Was it the God’s judgement? Was he supposed to stop or not? This war kept his mind occupied, but he realised that quickly what he was supposed to do and he just went after the constable who was ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 54

Every eye from the Police Station glues to the open ground outside the entrance. Soon the eyes quadruples and there were just blood shot red eyes blanketed the entire station. Every soul within the station was jolted to the core. Row naked fear was in every atom of the air present in the station. Every single person including Baba and Mahabali was in trance of fear. The eyes were deep endless sea filled with purest form of rage. Suddenly, the red eyes parted and made way for someone to walk through. The silhouette was not clear but every single ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 55

But before the attack could hurt the trio (Baba, Mahabali and Shashtriji), Baba chanted a mantra and an invisible layer is finished around them. The constables attacked with all their strength but they could not break the force field generated by the powerful mantras from Baba. Mahabali was in some mudra and chanting mantras loudly. Shashtriji was there to keep the fire alive which was being burnt in the middle of triangle. The ghost got angry and roared in ghastly voice, ‘Baba let me come in or I will kill your disciple your favourite Nagesh. Nagesh was still being ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 56

Every atom of the air was filled with raw naked fear. Every eye forgot to blink, every heart forgot beat and the life was on a pause mode in the room. The creature was roaming in the room and everybody was just glued to the bottom of the room. Ravindra and team were scared to death, but they did not lose courage. As they were aware that the almighty God was with them. And the other creature was just guarding the fireplace exit. Its long tail with eyes was moving at a rapid pace which created an illusion of ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 57

Nagesh got distracted by the calling and both the creatures found their opening to attack him. Creature from the veiled and swung his tail so hard that it made a wushhh sound. The tail struck very hard on the spine of Nagesh and swept him to the far corner of the room with an evil force. The creature expected a loud thud sound followed by a cry of pain but that never happened. The creature got surprised too and looked in the direction. Nagesh quickly balanced his feet on the wall and jumped back like a master cat but ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 58

Wherever the black streams touched the gashes, it sprouted out and emitting some weird material which was getting burned soon as it came to contact with air. This created a very tiny fire particle floating in the air as if the cells were burning and converting into a very very tiny fireball. Bigger the gash, more fireballs. Finally the entire body of the creature was gone. The second creature was nowhere to be seen. Everyone was confused. Mahabali said, ‘The other creature was a mirage so as soon as the original is gone the mirage automatically vanished.’ But this ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 59

Baba thought that now he could complete the story and might be able to save a human life. But made a grave mistake by trusting the words of the ghost. Baba lost his concentration due to the fact that he started to narrate the remaining part of the puzzle. Everyone was misdirected and it was a fatal mistake. The protective circle was broken and now everyone was in a grave danger. The ghost outplayed everyone and now the last episode of the battle was about to begin as the dawn was just a couple of hours away. After the ...Read More


Revenge of the Ghost - 60

My dear readers this is the last part of the story. Manoharsinh’s face turned pale white not because of revelation, but due to the fact that the ghost now was in her actual form. Sonal was there standing in front of Manoharsinh. Her skull was wide open and a deep gash was there which constantly oozing blood in the form of hot bubbles. The red bloody bubbles kept on touching Manoharsinh’s skin and he started to scream his lungs out, the pain was unbearable. His skin was burning and the entire room was filled with the smell of burning ...Read More