Heart Invader

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CHAPTER ONE Nothing.  Absolutely nothing in the world could have prepared her for what walked in through the door. Although grammatically speaking it should be ‘who’ walked in through the door. He was the most gorgeousman she had ever seen in her life. And not just good looking, he was tall, lean and impeccably dressed. He must be around thirty four – thirty five years of age. The minute he entered the tiny, cheerful little office, he seemed to dwarf it. Oh yes, he really was something. Stunningly gorgeous thought Radhika. Right from his sharply tailored grey suit, open necked pale blue shirt and shiny black shoes. He should have been standing in a men’s fashion magazine instead of the office of

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Heart Invader

CHAPTER ONENothing.Absolutely nothing in the worldcouldhave prepared her forwhat walked in through the door. Althoughgrammaticallyspeaking it should be ‘who’ the door.He was the mostgorgeousman she had ever seen in her life. And not just good looking, he was tall,leanand impeccably dressed.He must be around thirty four – thirty five years of age.The minute he enteredthe tiny,cheerful little office,he seemed to dwarfit. Oh yes, he really wassomething. Stunningly gorgeous thoughtRadhika.Right from his sharply tailored grey suit, open necked pale blue shirt and shiny black shoes. He should have been standing in a men’s fashion magazine instead of the office of ...Read More


Heart Invader - Episode 2

A zillion questions were buzzing throughRadhika’s head as she gathered her things and wound up. What had happened to wife? How had she died?And so young?Had she been ill?And poor, poor Aditya.He was such a quiet child. She had rarely seen him smile and no wonder.It fell into place now.What a horrible experienceit wasto lose your motherat such a tender age. And having just met the father, it looked like he had no clue whatsoever on what to do with such a young child. And where she felt sorry and utter sympathy for the little boy, all she felt ...Read More


Heart Invader episode 3

CHAPTER TWO “Okay Mom,ho jayega.Don’t worry.” But even as she was saying it,Radhika knew it was futile; her motherwasgoing keep worrying. Actually she herself was more than worried but if she had let on even a hintof that worry to her mother, shewould have wasted no time in telling her father and he would have been on the nextplaneto Mumbai. She sighed, “I have got to go now Mom. Give my love to ...Read More


Heart Invader episode 4

The moment he saw her hefeltpolar axed. In that moment he was glad that he was already sitting down. looked stunningly gorgeous. In the light chiffon saree, high heels and her silky hair swept away from her face to fall lustrously down her back, she looked tall, svelte and totally mesmerizing. As she along with a couple of other teachers quite literally herded the small group of children on to their positions on the stage, he dragged his eyes away from her to sweep along the children till hespotted his son kitted out as a cow. His heart ...Read More


Heart Invader episode 5

CHAPTER THREEHalf an hour later asRadhika got ready to leave, she thanked the gracious Mrs.Dewanandthenas shefacedMadhav to do the Mrs. Dewanspoke,taking the wind out of her sails, “Madhavcan drop you backRadhika.”What? She could feelhimstiffening too.“It’s a little late andKrishanhad to go home a little early tonight.”“He never said anything.”Madhavfrowned. Younever knew with his mother;thestrangemood she was in.“He had spoken to me about itearlierwhen you were busy inyour study.”She said.“I can easily geta cab.”Radhika ...Read More


Heart Invader episode 6

In the end all that worry had come to nothing. That first day armed with all theparaphernaliawhich was needed interest and educate Adityashe had gone to theDewans’residence. The cloud of apprehension she had carried with her had evaporated once she had reachedthere.Madhav was nowhere to be seen. So feeling supremely relaxed she had got down to work with an excited but still shy Aditya. She invited Mrs.Dewanto join them too.On hearingthat Adityacouldn’t hide his excitement, “Really?”Those were the first words he had spoken voluntarily without being nudged or prompted. Mrs.Dewanwas quick to note it too. She confided ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 7

CHAPTER FOUR If she had ever believed in magic……this truly was it.Hewas magic.He charmed her. With his his attentiveness, his attitude, his stories. He was suave andpolished. He drew her to himlikeamothto a flame.Shenever stood achance. She was scorched.The elegant coffee shop wasn’t exactly buzzing with people. In fact as they sat at a corner table sipping their coffee and having tiramisu, she lost awareness of her surroundings. She was sure it ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 8

If all this wasn’t enoughof a welcome,there was more yet waiting at his house. There breezing out of his door was not his mother or Adityaas she hadexpectedbut the most exotic looking creature she had ever seen.Delicate, elfin and extremely stunning.She wasn’t very tall but she woretall,spindlyheels with natural grace. She was quite young, not more than twenty and with the tiniest waist she had ever seen,her shapely legs poured into theskinniest white jeans, and a figure hugging white vesttopclung to her upper body.Her jet black hair fell down herback like a silky curtain and her equally jet black ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 9

Kavita was ecstatic to see her. Evenmoreso whenRadhika reached onto her bag and handed her a bottle ofher mother’s made chutneywhich she had brought for her from Delhi.Thedayflew by as they packed in a bollywood movie which KavitaandRadhika giggled throughoutmuch to the amusement of Mohanbecause the popcorn turned outto be more fun than the corny movie itself.Then theyroamed the hugemall where Kavita picked up stuff she needed for her new place.Radhikaand Kavitaalsoboughtclothes which they both saidthey needed and Mohan commented indulgently, ‘womenalwaysneeded.’The endof the evening their arms laden with shopping bags, theysat down at a food court where Mohangot ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 10

CHAPTER FIVEWith morning came shame, guilt and remorse. Last night’s euphoria had evaporated in a puff.She wasthankfulfor the mountain Sundaychores that she had to do.No doubt thatcuriouslyafter agesshe had slept the sleep of the dead.But morning brought with it a reality check. As soon as she had opened her eyes, although it was almost ten, the events of last night had run through her mind like a film.She couldn’t even put the blame at his door any longer. If he was playing hot and cold, what was she doing?What must he think ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 11

The days following that passed in a spectacular blur. Life waslikeit had never been.She had never before experienced such happiness. SometimesRadhika was sure she was walking on air. Every weekendMadhavtook her out somewhere.Clubbing, dining, movies (because she insisted) and even family outings with Adityaand his mother.She had to pinch herself to beremindedthat this was indeed no dream. During the week when he was not out travellingsomewhere, he insisted she have dinner with the three of them. This she had tried to resist but Mrs.Dewanhad pitched in too and she had been outnumbered.She was falling in love.Deeper and deeper with ...Read More


Heart Invader - 12

CHAPTER SIXIt was déjà vu.Or sort of, once more.There he stood. Outside the staff room this time.Dueto a staff she had stayed back at school whereas Adityahad left for home at his usual time.Shehad just closedone ofthe cupboardsputtingaway thelast of the chart papers and coloured sheets when she turned around.To find him filling the doorway.Looking straight at her.Shestilled. All shecoulddo wasjust look at him. He hadrobbed her of speech yet again.Evennow.Damnhim. She ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 13

The party, held at Mumbai’s newest rooftop lounge,was already underway when shereached. Devesh greeted her with a bear hug aboutAjay being late, “Has he ever reached anywhere on time?” he rolled his eyes. “Comeon I’ll introduce you around.In particular to someone older than the average crowd here.”He winked naughtilybefore adding. “And a very good looking chap too.” He grinned at her. It was her turn to roll her eyes.Shewas done with good looking.Deveshtook her elbow and made his way through theswinging youngcrowd. He stopped a waiter passing by and handed her a tall cool cocktail.“Thank you.” She said.“Here”, he ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 14

CHAPTER SEVENHe had never entirelyunderstoodit. In fact hehadalwaysscoffed atall those cheesy phrases aboutthe sun going out of your life your days turningintoa dull grey. But incredible as it seemed these were exactly the kind ofwords andphrases that came to hismind these days. Everything around him was quiet. The only buzz he felt was at work. At home it was calm and quiet.A strange kind of calm anda troubled kind ofquiet because there wasno inner peace.The onlydistraction was a nowmuchmore confident and interactive Aditya. This was another miracle he attributed to Radhika. And there were so many others. Fromtaking out ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 15

Thank God the weather was changing. Another couple of months and then winter. The Delhi summer was notoriously long. the dry heat simply turned into the oppressive humid Monsoon heat. But at least she was back with her parents. And even luckier to have got this job. So what if it was her mother’s friend’s school? At least she had something to do. And she loved being around these little kids. She missed some of her kids from Mumbai. Especially, especially Aditya but that was a closed chapter and her life was slowly picking up again. She enjoyed being ...Read More


Heart Invader - episode 16

EPILOGUEItwas a full scalegrand Indian wedding. Madhav wanted to ensure every dreamshe had ever had of becoming a bride,came She was going to marry only once, hetoldher so she might as well go the whole hog. He was up for everything.She was living a dream.She made astunninglybeautiful bride.Gorgeousand exotic in aheavyred lehnga.Her hands and feet wereintricately adorned with henna. Her bridal nose ring glinted in the light.Hereyes, herkohllined eyes shoneluminously for him.Hecouldn’t take his eyes off her.Radhika was still a little dazed as to how everything hadjustrushed.Madhav’s motherhad hugged her tight in an emotional hug that daywhen they had ...Read More