Together Forever

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Travel with Adhvik Rish, the CEO of Rish and Sanvi group of companies and Rika Shrinikith through their journey from best-friends to ignoring-eachother to husband-and-wife. Encounter how their life imposes tasks on them. But the most important question is 'Will they love each other?' or it's another failed marriage?!

New Episodes : : Every Monday


Together Forever - 1

Once Again Into My LifeAdhvik's POV "What do you mean by 'you are taking her under your wing' ? can't... And I won't", I reasoned out. "Oh yes.. You can and you will.. I meant what I meant earlier... You are taking her under your wing, you are going to work with her and teach her all the tactics of business and this is final, Dhvi...", my dad Rahul said, with a finality in tone. He doesn't demand anything from me or my twin sister Adhvita often. He let us do things our way. But, when he demands it's ...Read More


Together Forever - 2

Time to face the worst fear!Rika's POV "Rika honey! I'm so happy that you are finally home...", my mom, said hugging me, as soon as I entered the living room. "I'm happy to be home too mom... Past two years were too tiring... Finally... No more studying!", I said exaggeratedly and sighed heavily. "Oh baby girl... How I missed all your over exaggerations! ", she said, laughing. "Mom... That was mean... Still, I missed you too... Thank God! I can spend more time with you here after... ", I said to her enthusiastically. "Yeah.. Let's spend the little time ...Read More


Together Forever - 3

The Most Dreaded MeetingRika's POV Today is the most dreaded day. Here I'm, in Delhi airport, waiting for boarding plane to Chennai. The past week was a blur. After hearing that terrible news, I took three days to digest it. Then, the remaining three days were spent on shopping for 'appropriate office clothes' ~~ according to my mother. Then, we had a family dinner yesterday, without my brother as he is in a medical camp. My thoughts were cut short by the boarding announcement for some plane. Since my brother has one of our private jets for his use ...Read More


Together Forever - 4

The First Day!Rika's POV If I tell you that I'm very confident to meet him, then I'm utterly lying. say, I'm absolutely nervous wreck. I was thinking of hundred reasons to avoid this meeting. What if I act like I fainted? But as soon as this idea struck my mind, my smart-ass inner conscious retorted logically by stating 'Then it will be reported to Adhvik since you came to meet him... And worst, you have to face him in a more awkward situation...' What if I run away?! 'So you can prove that you are weak in front of ...Read More


Together Forever - 5

Shifting!Rika's POV I'm sitting in the living room couch of Rish Mansion, waiting for uncle so that we can to office. Finally, after 10 minutes, he arrived. We bid our byes to aunty and started our way to the company. The journey was filled with Adhvik thoughts. I can't shake the fear of falling for him again and end up hurting my heart more. Yesterday went well... What if Dhvi act differently today??! What will happen?? And above all, I have to deal with my stupid heart... Uhhhh... But thankfully, before I can invest in anymore stupid thoughts of ...Read More


Together Forever - 6

Destroyed Again!Rika's POV The blinding light escaping from the thin space in between the balcony curtains fell directly on face, making me wake up from my beauty sleep. I looked at my surroundings and noticed that Adhvik's room was painted in midnight blue color in all sides except the wall behind the bed. It was painted in greyish-blue. His furniture were made from dark mahogany wood. His room is carpeted in light cream color and a king size bed occupied this extra large room in the center. On both sides were tables with night stand and drawers. Connecting to ...Read More


Together Forever - 7

The Cupid!Rika's POV After storming out of Adhvik's house, entered my own with raging fury. As soon as I that I'm under my own roof, my eyes started pouring. I so hate that guy! How can he?! Is he that cheap to steep too low to just prove that he'll get any girl?!! But after knowing about him, my stupid heart cannot accept the fact that there will be no 'us' and still hopes for a future! Godddd... Why am I this stupid! I consoled myself stating that I'm not weak to cry. Especially not over the one who ...Read More


Together Forever - 8

Go With The Flow!!Rika's POV Before I can come out of my stance and question him regarding what he said, we heard the adjoining restroom's door open. So, he took back his hands and returned to his normal posture. But I was not able to come out of my shock so soon as he did! Then, when Vita returned, he left the room stating some lame reason. All the while when she was talking about her show, I can't help the thoughts that invaded my mind. What is he playing at?? What are his intentions?? Just this morning, we ...Read More


Together Forever - 9

Shouldn't Have Read Too much of 50 Shades!Rika's POV I'm sitting here , in my living room, dressed for in my reddish pink shift dress and white pumps, waiting for Adhvik! Wonder why?! Here is the reason. I woke up this morning by a call from Rahul uncle. When I picked it up, he said "Lil' champ! From today, Dhvi will pick up and drop you, to and fro the office and home as you guys live close to each other . So get ready and wait for him! Have a great day kid!". With that the call is ...Read More


Together Forever - 10

What's My Name, Rika?Rika's POV "Welcome Mr.Rish and Ms.Shrinikith! May you have a peaceful flight ahead sir and ma'am!", the air hostess with a gentle smile. "Thank you", I replied with a smile while Adhvik simply nodded with a stone face. When the air hostess whose name tag read 'Tonia' passed us, I elbowed Adhvik in his ribs for his rudeness to which he didn't even wince a bit. Truly, made of stone! He turned to me and asked "what". "I know that telling 'thank you' is overrated for you! But you can't even smile a little?? Sometimes I ...Read More


Together Forever - 11

Tell Them Honey! After All, You Are The One Who Named Him!Rika's POV"This should teach you a lesson, sweetheart! time you call me in an official or professional tone, you will be punished. Beware!", he said smirking, still breathing hard. Instead of cowering away from awkwardness, the kiss gave me a rush of confidence. Even though my face flushed from the intensity of the kiss and I felt a bit shy, I squared my shoulders, still breathing hard, and looked deep into his gaze. "If my punishment is as good as this, I'm ready to commit the same mistake ...Read More


Together Forever - 12

No No! We Are Just Family Friends!Rika's POV After my happiest time in Italy with Adhvik, we returned to just this morning. Adhvik, like a gentleman he is not (insert wink), walked me to my pent house door and then went to his. Even though I was all mushy, I can't help but wonder about what our relationship is. Sure, we were all lovey dovey in Italy. But in home?! Will it be professional or as the same in Italy?! But I know one thing for sure. I'm not ready for a label. Labeling our relationship will only break ...Read More


Together Forever - 13

Why Is My Life Filled With So Much Of Drama?!Rika's POV Its been only three weeks since I started training. But my feelings for Adhvik is in haywire now. Yet, I don't wanna acknowledge it or label it. I'm more than satisfied with the way it is. The week after returning from Italy was weary. With the signing of the deal with Larksons, the business was busier than the usual. Though, Adhvik made sure to flirt a little or give me a peck in spite of our packed schedule. All this made me feel special, considering that he didn't ...Read More


Together Forever - 14

The Unexpected!Rika's POV"What?!", I literally yelled out in shock. "I'll explain Rika...", said my dad in a weary tone. There was a pact signed between your great grandfather and Mahath's great grandfather. During their time, both of their companies were in crisis and downfall. So they created a pact which may serve as the solution for the problem. The pact stated that a wedding can take place between the two families, so that both of the companies can be merged. But, by the time your grandfather was of wedding age, both the companies were stable. So, both the parties ...Read More


Together Forever - 15

I Dunno Why You Put It In First Place!Rika's POV As Adhvik carried me into the the building, every eyes fell upon us. In spite of being embarrassed, Adhvik held me with pride and strode to the elevator. With my hands around his neck, I lifted my face to look into those blue orbs that were already looking at me with loads of affection. Before we can realize, we were already in front of the penthouse door. "Adhvik! Now, you can put me down...", I said softly. "No sweetheart! Never!", he replied, smiling and staring deep into my eyes. ...Read More


Together Forever - 16

Some Guy I Picked Up From Sidewalk!Rika's POV Recap: After my daily duties, when I was about to step the kitchen happily, my phone rang. As I checked the caller ID, it displayed an unknown number. When I picked up the call and heard the first word, all my happiness drifted off. "Bitch... This is Haritha..." __________________ "Haritha??! Why did you call me??! How did you get my number??", I said through the phone, trying to put on my nonchalant voice. I don't know why, but the mere thought of her is enough to aggravate me. "Don't you dare ...Read More


Together Forever - 17

I'll Do This Even When I'm 71 And You Are 70!Rika's POV As Adhvik's private jet landed in Chennai we both made our way to the descending stairs of the jet. Adhvik's driver is already waiting for us in the private parking as instructed. After the day of revelation in Vegas, we both decided that we would put on a great show by returning to India as soon as possible to make people believe our eloping story. So here we are. As we made our way to the parking lot protected by bodyguards, paparazzi surrounded us, thrusting their mikes ...Read More