Just One Button Down

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Chapter: Locker Room Story of two female friends who are best buddies at gym. The story proceeds to a drastic end leaving the reader about shades of relationships in human life.

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Just One More Button Down

Chapter: Locker Room Story of two female friends who are best buddies at gym. The story proceeds to a drastic leaving the reader about shades of relationships in human life. ...Read More



A white Kolkata cotton sari, wrapped close to body make her look slimmer. This is how she is dressed day, but my eyes find her new and fresh. I would know even if she would gray another hair, even if her long jet black long hair is tied tight in a bun as always. I have observed her so close, so sharp, and so passionate that every millimeter of hers is known to me. Sujata has a beautiful smile. Her well arranged teeth create illusion of white pearl necklace. Rare occasions of short lived smile make it even more quirky. Sujata walks straight, head up, brows raised, not looking around, as if she is detached from the world. She never looked interested about what happened around her. And I am sure she neglected my presence. She loved books. Every time I closed my eyes to remember her, I found her gazing deeply in a book. Her sleeveless white blouse matching with her buttery smooth white skin made the sight alluring. I wanted to touch her hand for once just to make sure she wasn’t made of butter. ...Read More



That article was interesting enough for me to decide to read it, though I knew it would mean late at the meeting with one of my very important clients Mrs. Verma. I quickly went under the surface of glossy paper and the glossier subject. ...Read More



Anvitha is 13 today Tarun - Our daughter turns teenage. I remember the day when you put her in arms and her tiny tots touched my chest. I did not know how to love her, In fact I was scared of touching this little pink looking body. She made me look at her as I let her suckle my body to satisfy her hunger. She just looked like you. Same forehead, same lips, and I waited for her to open the eyes - I wanted to see the same brown eyes too. I told you that we will call her “Anvitha”. She is a result of our love Tarun she is a gift of God to us. We have been one and we will always be. I think it’s right time for her to know the facts of her life I think it’s a time when she meets you. She must know the man who showers so much love on her from an unknown corner of the world. ...Read More



“I have requested editor on the knees to cover this story. I badly want to do this. I want interview him. I want to collect answers for many questions Saif.” Shaifali is my best friend and I call her Saif with all my love mixed with bollywoodish sense of humor. ...Read More



“Are you sure you want to do this ” I was almost out of breath when my mind pushed to ask this to her final time before we got into action. “Yes, why are you behaving so scared about it We even have got the tests done, neither of us is HIV positive. (She giggled) Let’s not lose the moment.” Her heavy breathing ate my words. ...Read More



His lips are such as if he is just walking out of a painting. Perfectly pink and shaped like master stroke of a master painter. White Teeth are arranged so perfect to tempt me to rub my tongue on them. I was on my vacation. – A badly needed ‘no strings’ attached time. That evening after a beer or two, I was standing at the smoking zone just then he walked in wearing a smile. His first look felt like a water balloon bursting on my head at midnight on winter night. Huuuufff!! And it blew me. ...Read More



The door bell rang and Raj got up from his favorite bean bag to attend the door. It was usual time of Anita, and expectations of her arrival made him smile. Anita looked after his house and she was on leave for 4 days. He put his best efforts to keep the house clean and arranged. He never liked his books and things scattered and dusty. He opened the door with a smile to hand over the house to Anita, His smile got broader even though it was not Anita at door it was Ruju. ...Read More



“Look at the floor. Every evening it feels like a roadside hair cutting salon, hair and just hair everywhere. can’t you please take care of your hair If nothing much, please tie them at least.” Pranay was annoyed and wanted Rhea to keep the floors hair free. “Hair fall is natural Pranay. I hope you don’t imagine me sitting at home plucking hair out of pleasure.” Rhea gave him back. ...Read More



The whole court room was silent and that was obvious. No one was interested in this case. A kid was paying something against meals that he ate did he even know how big a cost it was He was offering his body to a gay man against food he offered him. What a pain it must have been for his body and soul. Poor 13 year boy, did he even register the pain I felt emotional turmoil inside me. I wanted to replace the judge and declare this as crime. I wanted to announce some very painful punishment for the criminal. I wanted to go and slap the man who called himself ‘caretaker’ of this young boy. ...Read More