Stroy of A teen Love

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This story is about a boy named Shivam. He was a very simple boy. He had simple thoughts, never hurts people, and live life like a normal person. And as his nature, his life was full surprises.His all relatives were fake even his family. They treated with him as an outsider. Relatives always wanted that he should never come up but he did... how? This story will tellHe and his aims left ways of dream and became a pwd......... oh it's not the person with disabilities but it is the person who doesn

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Stroy of a teen Love - 1

This story is about a boy named Shivam. He was a very simple boy. He had simple thoughts, never people, and live life like a normal person. And as his nature, his life was full surprises.His all relatives were fake even his family. They treated with him as an outsider. Relatives always wanted that he should never come up but he did... how? This story will tellHe and his aims left ways of dream and became a pwd......... oh it's not the person with disabilities but it is the person who doesn ...Read More


Stroy of a teen Love - 2

act 2 chapter 7| careful relationship in pressureAfter our first kiss relationship between me and Anita changed suddenly. Before were careless and independent but after we became careful and dedicated to each other. My mind couldn't understand that what was going on. But I was very sure that after our physical attachment everything changed. She was like my wife and I was like a husband. She fed me, she cared for me and she did everything for me. From the side of me, it was the same but one de ...Read More


Shivam's Poems and songs for anita

चाँदनी से तुम हसीनन देखा तुमसा कहीं,खोयी मेरी रूह कहीं देख कर तुम्हे ये लगता, चाँदनी से तुम हसीन आँखे मेरी, भूल ना पायी तुम्हे कभी मैं अँधेरी रात तो, चाँदनी से तुम हसीन रोको ना हमें यूँ , तकते तुम्हे हम न थके कभी नयनों को सुहाए तुम, लगे चाँदनी से तुम हसीन लगे प्यार तुम्हारा मुझे, जैसे मिला अमृत कहीं चाँदनी लगती है फीकी, चाँदनी से तुम हसीन न झुठ है मेरे अल्फाज, लिखा वही जो है सही तेरे नाम की चमक है कहती, चाँदनी से तुम हसीन क्या लिखुँ तेरे लिये, जज्बातों की नही कमी शायर मन बस यही गाए, चाँदनी से तुम हसीन क्यों एेसा होता हैं?क्यों ...Read More