It is 10 O'clock

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It is 10 o’clock in Ahmedabad. Most of all the offices are being opened now. A branch office of a very famous bank is also being opened now. The staff members are coming to the office . At that time a normal looking boy named Krishna Patel arrives at the office. He is a very good natured boy from a very respected background. He himself set a very high standard in everything he does. But the problem is he was stuck in a 10 to 6 job. He lost the spice of life. When he was in college , he

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It is 10 O'clock - 1

It is 10 o’clock in Ahmedabad. Most of all the offices are being opened now. A branch office of very famous bank is also being opened now. The staff members are coming to the office . At that time a normal looking boy named Krishna Patel arrives at the office. He is a very good natured boy from a very respected background. He himself set a very high standard in everything he does. But the problem is he was stuck in a 10 to 6 job. He lost the spice of life. When he was in college , he ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 2

Krishna and Aashka started their journey back to Ahmedabad. The whole camp was staring them but for them the of the world was no more. Krishna was so happy that he almost forgot everything , he lost his soul and mind into hers. And Aashka was feeling the same for him. They started the journey by the bus to Delhi. It was a long journey so they had a lot of time to talk. Krishna was watching her , she blushed and said , “ kya kab se muje ghur rahe ho ?“. He said nothing and kept on staring her ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 3

Then Krishna started the car and he was driving the car. But he was not able to concentrate on road because his next sit was occupied by the human form of his every desire , his happiness , his utmost existence , his lifeline.Aashka was looking so marvelous that the trees alongside the road were trying to bend as much as possible just to have a glimpse of her beauty. It was not very windy night but still Aashka had to adjust her hair as if the air also wanted to participate in the race and just covering her ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 4

And after finishing the dinner Krishna and Aashka were returning home. Aashka was feeling so great that she could believe that it was actually happened. She was still in her dreams. But Krishna was in real life as his real life was better than dreams. Krishna was the luckiest man on the Earth as he got his dream girl. He was looking at Aashka. She said that weren't u tired watching me since last three hours you had been watching me. So he replied aashu i believe that every heart had a missing portion. You are my that missing ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 5

Next morning when Krishna woke up , he took his phone to look for her message and the message there saying that come to my home - Aashka. He was excited to read the message and reached at her place at 9 o'clock. She was there in the main room but her face was not hers. She was looking dull and she was not smiling either. She gave him something and said please read it. With shaking hands Krishna opened the envelope and he was so tensed that the letters were dancing and he could not read properly. But ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 6

Krishna called Priya and they agreed to meet at a ccd. Krishna got early there and was waiting for And there she was. She entered the ccd and Krishna felt that she brought some sort of calmness with her. She was looking so pretty that every eye in ccd got stoned for a while. She brought an aroma of positive energy with her that there was no place for negative energy. Krishna was feeling good , but Priya found immediately that something is terribly wrong as she had been gifted with the power of reading faces. She took his ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 7

Krishna woke up but not in the tree house in his home. He picked up his phone eagerly and huge pressure he pressed the green button to check the messages. There were two messages. First one was the service message and the second one was from his life. The message was , " I think there was not love between us only attraction. So I could not marry you." Krishna's heart got crushed. His blood was frozen into his veins. Every atom of air in the room yelled so loudly that they had lost their voice and there was ...Read More


It is 10 0'clock - 8

He was standing alone on the bridge. His mind was so clouded that all his senses were not with Like some unknown force was dragging him somewhere. He was seeing the dark water under the bridge. The irony of the life the water without which life can’t survive was looking very scary during the night. He was in his own version of Bermuda’s Triangle. What is the value of his life the only question was getting hammered in his mind since last two hours. Was he ready to give it up ? But why ? Because the best thing ...Read More


It is 10'clock - 9

Krishna woke up the other morning having a huge dent on his heart which was now alone. His counterpart left him. Krishna managed to pull himself out of the bed and went downstairs after getting fresh. His mother was cooking the morning breakfast and as he stepped down, she asked him to have the breakfast with all the possible love for him with a very gentle voice. Krishna smiled but the emotions were not from his heart. He finished the breakfast and started for his office without any idea of what he is going to do with his ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 10

Next day when Krishan woke up, he had two more hands to help him to fight the current situation. hand is his best friend Priyanka and second hand is his trust on himself. No matter what the condition in life is, no body can help you if you can’t help yourself. Life gives you choices whether to back down or to move on. Life is not a helping hand to you, rather it is a freedom given to you to make your own choices. When pain strikes, it has the capacity to give you deep scars. The scars from ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 11

Krishna’s eyes tried a lot to stop the tears coming out of them but eventually one or two drops out victoriously but, they were wetter than usual as they were crying too. A tear dropped on Abha’s chick and she asked uncle why are you crying? Your mother also left you to take care of another child? Krishna could not understand the context and looked at Shambhu uncle for an explanation. Shambhu uncle smiled and with a very deep heavy voice said that no Abha his mother is with him only and not like your mother who went away ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 12

Krishna went back home after dropping Priyanka home. The entire way back home the only thought in his mind about Abha. A four years old girl digested the most bitter truth of life with a smiling face. Krishna’s face was shining, and his heart started to heal effectively now. He reached home and entered his house with the same energy as before the entire Aashka episode. His mother got her son back. After having dinner with his family, Krishna went on the terrace. While walking, he had made up his mind and decided firmly to stick to that plan. ...Read More


It is 10 O'Clock - 13

After meeting Priyanka, Krishna went home with a single thought in mind that what sort of business he should Being a banker, he was aware of his financial situation. Krishna rummaged his mind for a couple of days for an idea. He had many ideas in mind, but the only hurdle was money. Krishna needed to do something quickly as he was losing his mind over it. Krishna went downstairs and asked her mom to serve him dinner. His mom served dinner but there was something wrong with the food. Rotis were ok but the dish cooked of vegetables ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 14

To bare the rejection and come out of this rejection without being ended in the vicious cycle of depression extremely important. But very few can do it successfully like Krishna. He had come out of that deep dark well of depression with the help of his best friend and his family. Almost everyone passes through this phase in his or her life. This pain of departing with someone is inevitable. Krishna was brave enough to bare and came out of that idea of killing himself and end all the sufferings at once. But bravo that man took a different ...Read More


It is 10 O' Clock - 15

A few days passed. Krishna was eagerly waiting for Monika’s call. He managed to control himself somehow. Priyanka was out of town for some social work with her father. Finally, the decision day arrived. Monika called and without even listening to her answer, Krishna eagerly asked, ‘when can I collect the cheque?’ Monika said, ‘Kishu, please calm down. And tell me where you are right now?’ Krishna said, ‘Don’t worry, I will come and collect the cheque from your bank.’ Monika said again, ‘Krishna can you come to the garden near the bank?’ Krishna said yes and without even ...Read More


It is 10 O’clock - 16

Krishna was in a tremendous shock so for a while he could not speak anything. Then he said, ‘Is any way to solve this problem?’ Mr. Bhatt looked surprised by that answer and after a careful thought he said, ‘Yes. If you can somehow prove that you know agriculture very well and you are eligible to do it plus if someone agrees to be a guarantor or you must have a property under your name to take a loan against it. Because if you fail to repay the loan, bank can sell that property and recover the money.’ Krishna ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 17

Monika, Krishna, and Priyanka were trying very hard to solve the same problem. But the motive was different for one of them. Krishna was doing it because it was a question of life and death for him. He was desperate and he needed this win. Priyanka was doing it because she was genuinely concerned about Krishna and loved him. Monika was doing it because, she was unable to bare the situation where Priyanka solves the problem for his beloved Krishna. Monika was in a confused state about expressing her love to Krishna as she knew that Krishna was completely ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 18

Suddenly, Priyanka remembered a moment and asked Krishna, ‘When daddy asked you about staying a month at his friend’s You hesitated for a moment. While this is your dream and that was not even a hurdle. So, why did you hesitate Krishna?’ Krishna smiled but this time there was a deep meaning behind that smile but unfortunately the real meaning was still unknown to Krishna. The sprouts of love already deepened their roots in Krishna’s mind. And he was the only one who was unaware of those feelings as those feelings were hidden behind the curtain of friendship. But ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 19

Krishna then went to his home and he was so tired that he just slept without thinking about anything While Priyanka and Monika were in two different worlds. Priyanka was trying to figure out the hesitation shown by Krishna and did not want to hurry the decision. She did not want to tell about her feelings before Krishna was ready. Priyanka was a very determined girl and she never believed in daydreaming. On the other side Monika was desperate about having a relationship with Krishna. She wanted to tell him as early as possible may be because she was ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 20

Mahesh talked on the phone for a while. Meanwhile Monika was closely observing Mahesh. His persona, his professional attire, his confidence. Everything was perfect. She was impressed. Mahesh disconnected the call and said, ‘Sorry that took too long. So, Ms. Monika I was curious to know why you are so anxious to help Krishna. Monika replied, ‘He is the one whom I love more then me. I do not know whether he loves me or not, but I love him very very much. And I can reach to any limits to make him smile.’ Mahesh said, ‘Sounds wonderful. And ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 21

Two days passed. Krishna was not able to spend a single second more and Priyanka called Krishna. Krishna was waiting for Monika’s call so without checking the caller’s name he just said, ‘Tell me Monika. Did he agree for the loan?’ Priyanka laughed with a naughty smile and said, ‘It is me Krishna. Priyanka. You are expecting a call from Monika, but it is Priyanka.’ He said, ‘I met her manager two days back and he was supposed to give me his decision on the loan. Monika put a lot of efforts into this. Hence the wait. She is ...Read More


It is 10 O'clock - 22

A storm was lurking, but everyone was unaware of that. The Bermuda’s triangle was about to be formed and the fate knew who was going to sink and who was going to survive. Krishna got ready by 6 pm and started towards the restaurant. Priyanka could not decide what to wear and what not. She wanted this day to be the best day of her life. She was under the impression that surprise was about her and Krishna’s relation. On the other side, with Monika the situation was same. She was also not able to decide what to wear ...Read More