Love at First Slight - 15

_Rahul's Arrival at College_As Rahul walked through the college gates, he spotted his friends Rohan, Aisha, and Aarav chatting near the cafeteria.Rohan, grinning: "Hey, Rahul! Late as usual, buddy."Rahul, chuckling: "Hey, guys! Traffic, you know."Aisha, teasing: "Or maybe you were busy perfecting your morning selfie skills."Rahul playfully rolled his eyes: "Shut up, Aisha."Aarav, serious: "Did you guys finish the math assignment? I'm still stuck on question 3."Rahul: "Yeah, I finished it last night. Let me show you."Aisha: "By the way, have you guys heard about the upcoming fest? We should participate."Rohan: "Yeah, we should! Aarav, can you handle the music?Aarav: