The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 2 - 40

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40Canto XL. Ráma's Departure.Then Ráma, Sítá, Lakshmaṇ bent At the king's feet, and sadly went Round him with slow steps reverent. When Ráma of the duteous heart Had gained his sire's consent to part, With Sítá by his side he paid Due reverence to the queen dismayed. And Lakshmaṇ, with affection meet, Bowed down and clasped his mother's feet. Sumitrá viewed him as he pressed Her feet, and thus her son addressed: “Neglect not Ráma wandering there, But tend him with thy faithful care. In hours of wealth, in time of woe, Him, sinless son, thy refuge know. From this good