The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 58

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Canto LX. Trisanku's Ascension. So with ascetic might,in ire, He smote the children and the sire. Then Viśvámitra,far-renowned, Addressed the saints who gathered round: “See by my side Triśanku stand, Ikshváku's son,of liberal hand. Most virtuous and gentle,he Seeks refuge in his woe with me. Now,holy men,with me unite, And order so his purposed rite That in the body he may rise And win a mansion in the skies.” They heard his speech with ready ear And,every bosom filled with fear Of Viśvámitra,wise and great, Spoke each to each in brief debate: “The breast of Kuśik's son,we know, With furious