The RÁMÁYAN of VÁLMÍKI - Part 1 - 48

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Canto L. Janak. The sons of Raghu journeyed forth, Bending their steps'twixt east and north. Soon,guided by the sage,they found, Enclosed,a sacrificial ground. Then to the best of saints,his guide, In admiration Ráma cried: “The high-souled king no toil has spared, But nobly for his rite prepared, How many thousand Bráhmans here, From every region,far and near, Well read in holy lore,appear! How many tents,that sages screen, With wains in hundreds,here are seen! Great Bráhman,let us find a place Where we may stay and rest a space.” The hermit did as Ráma prayed, And in a spot his lodging made,