Bhagavad-Gita - 13

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CHAPTER XIIIArjuna.Now would I hear, O gracious Kesava![FN#26]Of Life which seems, and Soul beyond, which sees,And what it is we know-or think to know. Krishna.Yea! Son of Kunti! for this flesh ye seeIs Kshetra, is the field where Life disports;And that which views and knows it is the Soul,Kshetrajna. In all "fields," thou Indian prince!I am Kshetrajna. I am what surveys!Only that knowledge knows which knows the knownBy the knower![FN#27] What it is, that "field" of life,What qualities it hath, and whence it is,And why it changeth, and the facultyThat wotteth it, the mightiness of this,And how it wotteth-hear these