Shri Simandhar Swami's Janma Kalyanak

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Lord Simandhar Swami is the Living Tirthankar (a Living God) On this day, the Vartman Tirthankar, Shree Simandhar Swami, was born! ‘Tirthankar’ is a very rare and the ultimate status that one can attain in this world! A Tirthankara is One, who in his penultimate human birth, harbours an extraordinary strong intent that of ‘Sarva Jeev Karu Shaasan Rasi (May I inspire every living being towards salvation)’. The energy of this intent is so strong that he ends up creating the most auspicious Tirthankar-naam-karma. A Living Tirthankar’s power is such - by his mere Darshan, a deserving person attains Keval