Dichotomy Between Hindu Religiosity ‘n Gita's Spirituality

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Long before the advent of the Torah, not to speak of the Bible and the Quran that followed it, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad had it that “.. since he (man) created gods who are better than he: and also because, being mortal, he created immortals, it is his higher creation. Whoever knows this, comes to be in this, his higher creation.” However, in the latter-day Nārāyana Upanishad, the ‘mortal man’ sought to control the ‘immortal god’ he himself had created thus: “daiva dēnam jagat sarvam, / mantrā dēnantu daivatam, tan mantram brāhmanādēnam, / brāhmano mama dēvata.” It’s on god that hinges all