Secret of Shiva linga - 1 - Cuckoo … Cuckoo …Cuckoo

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Chapter 1 Cuckoo … Cuckoo …Cuckoo In India, Ayurveda and Siddha medical science has been known for the use of “alchemical formulas”. “Navapashanam” is one of the most acclaimed siddha elixirs known to mankind. Navapashanam is an amalgam of 9 poisonous herbs , and it's also the most closely guarded ancient secret formula given by master siddha alchemist's. Nava means “nine”.Pashanam means “poisonous”.Navapashanam is supposed to have high cosmic energy to balance and harmonize all chakras in the body. That is why the people in India worship a Shiva Linga made of Navapashanam. Rajitha was in deep