Taste Of Fear Chapter 4

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A week passed. He called Archna on Saturday but her phone was switched off. He tried many times to call her but her phone remained switched off all day. He felt something was wrong. Sunday was a holiday for him. He used to run with hands of the clock from Monday to Saturday. He started to read the newspaper at 9:00 am on that Sunday but he couldn’t read much as he was restless and tense about Archana. He missed Archana and was concerned about her, unable to focus on anything else. He wondered! Is it the effect of love? Really, it was. Her phone is switched off. What happened? Did her father scold her? Was her phone forfeited? Is she not able to come online? His mind began to question possibilities. There was no possibility of being her father disagreeing he thought. A boy who isn’t handicapped is ready to accept a handicapped girl, the father should have